Deprecation Warning: All Gnip 1.0 endpoints will be disabled on December 1, 2016. Begin your migration to Gnip 2.0 ASAP to take advantage of dedicated support resources. Email us at to get started. For more details, click here.

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Migrating Code to Gnip 2.0

posted on 22 August 2016 by Jim Moffitt

Introduction  Realtime PowerTrack, Historical PowerTrack, the 30-Day Search API, and Volume Streams (such as the Decahose product) are now available on the Gnip 2.0 platform. These new, enhanced versions of our core API products offer new features and functionality that will give access to new enrichments, new filtering capabilities, as well as increased reliability from having multiple data centers. One first step in the migration process is updating your data consumption applications for Gnip 2.0. These are the applications that make requests to Gnip APIs and process the API responses. Our team will help you set up a 30-day migration... keep reading

Migrating PowerTrack Rules from Version 1.0 to 2.0

A guide for migrating PowerTrack rules to Gnip 2.0 products.

03 August 2016

Updating Twitter Hosebird Client for PowerTrack 2.0

Tips for successfully streaming PT 2.0 data with Hosebird Client.

02 August 2016

Consuming Streaming Data

Tips for successfully streaming data.

14 June 2016

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PowerTrack / Firehose Stream

Connect to the PowerTrack and Firehose streams.

PowerTrack Rule Management

Add, delete, and list rules on the PowerTrack Rules API.

Historical PowerTrack

Create and manage Historical PowerTrack jobs.

Search API

Send Search and Counts requests to the Search API.

Data Collector Stream

Connect to the streaming endpoint of Data Collector streams.

Data Collector Polling

Retrieve data from your Data Collector with GET polling.

Data Collector Rule Management

Add, delete, and list rules on your Data Collector feeds.