George Brandis, Justin Gleeson parted over a case involving WA and taxation

The pressure to leave politics increases on Senator George Brandis after labelling the QLD LNP "mediocre".
The pressure to leave politics increases on Senator George Brandis after labelling the QLD LNP "mediocre".

Labor is calling for Attorney-General George Brandis to be sacked and is describing as corruption a deal done with the WA government designed to give the state preference as a creditor to Alan Bond's collapsed Bell Group over federal taxpayers.

The deal, revealed in the West Australian newspaper, meant the federal government would not challenge in the High Court WA's push to have the Insurance Commission of WA, take control of the assets of the Bell Group (in liquidation).

The newspaper says Senator Brandis instructed former solicitor-general Justin Gleeson to not run an argument questioning the constitutional aspects of WA legislation allowing ICWA's move.

However, as the Financial Review reported in June, Mr Gleeson had been separately asked to act for the Australian Taxation Office in the case.

In a submission in the case lodged on behalf of the ATO (a Bell creditor for $300 million in unpaid taxes), Mr Gleeson argued the drafter of the state's Bell Group seizure laws either forgot about federal tax law or "decided to proceed blithely in disregard to its existence".

The High Court overturned the WA legislation on May 16.

The West Australian says the ATO's move – based on Mr Gleeson's advice – was the source of a heated argument between the two governments, with the state government arguing the federal government had breached faith in the deal they had struck.

This was because state Treasurer Mike Nahan was reported to have received a written assurance from former federal treasurer Joe Hockey last year that the federal government would not intervene to oppose WA's case.

It says that it was this that prompted Senator Brandis' controversial guideline to stop Mr Gleeson advising others without directly seeking the Attorney-General's permission.

'Clear case of corruption'

The story emerges as the politically accident prone Senator Brandis is under increasing pressure to leave politics, most recently after he was caught criticising the Queensland LNP's political performance as "very, very mediocre" and suggesting the merger between the Coalition partners in the state may need to be reconsidered.

There is widespread, open expectation of a ministerial reshuffle within the next six months triggered by Senator Brandis' expected departure for a diplomatic posting.

MPs were speculating on Friday about the timing of the leak of this latest story – which appears to have come from within the federal and state liberal governments – and whether it was designed to increase pressure on the Prime Minister to remove Senator Brandis.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said on Friday that if the story was correct, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull must sack Senator Brandis.

Shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus said if the story was correct, it was "as clear a case of corruption as one could imagine".

"This is misconduct of the highest order. If the reports in the West Australian today are true, this looks like moral bankruptcy at its best or corruption at its worst.

Failed the Commonwealth

Mr Dreyfus said the Solicitor-General's duty "is to the Commonwealth of Australia".

"It is to uphold the constitution of Australia", he said. "It's to uphold Commonwealth laws. What's extraordinary here is that if the facts in this story are correct, George Brandis has failed in his duty to the Commonwealth.

"He's got the same duty as the Solicitor-General, to uphold the constitution, to uphold the laws of the Commonwealth, and instead – if the facts are as reported – he has attempted to favour his Liberal mates in Western Australia at the cost of the Commonwealth."

Mr Dreyfus vowed to use "whatever parliamentary processes are available" to uncover exactly what transpired.

Treasurer Scott Morrison on Friday flatly rejected Labor's claims Senator Brandis acted inappropriately.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann also leapt to the Attorney-General's defence, describing suggestions he should be sacked as typical overreach.

"This is just another example of (Labor) getting way ahead of themselves," Senator Cormann said.

A spokesman for Senator Brandis said "the government does not comment on litigation in which the Commonwealth was a party".