Let's feel more truly at home - in our bodies and on our earth.


A greater sense of belonging helps us to see that we need to act more appropriately as conscious beings in a fragile ecosystem.

When we feel more connected - to ourselves, in our bodies, as part of a network of communities and souls on earth, as part of a magnificent cosmos - we know we belong right where we are and we should celebrate this opportunity to live well.

       City Living, Nature Calling outlines creative ways to help us to re-place modern society more fairly into the ecological web of life on earth.

       City Living, Nature Calling outlines creative ways to help us to re-place modern society more fairly into the ecological web of life on earth.

  Time alone in the more-than-human world: communing with the source

  Time alone in the more-than-human world: communing with the source

city living, nature calling

Find out more about the 'ecomythic' documentary film that aims to help shift us into a more ecologically literate society.

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