
Apple iPhone sales dip over

Sales of the iPhone 7 were strong over the holidays.

More iPhone 7 units sold than expected, but customers currently holding back in anticipation of 10th-anniversary iPhone this year.

Camera makes pizza quality check a snap

How the camera sees toppings on a pizza.

A tech company has developed a system that photographs pizzas as they emerge from the oven at fast food chains so customers can see that their order is picture perfect.

The internet of dumb things

Your entire life connected to the internet. Nothing to worry about, then ...

It has been estimated that the Internet of Things (IoT) will consist of approximately 50 billion devices by 2020. What could possibly go wrong?

The real-life Q is a woman

Ben Whishaw stars as Q and Daniel Craig stars as James Bond.

Q has always been an integral part of the James Bond fantasy. Except that Q is no fantasy, the head of MI6 has revealed, and he, it turns out, is a she.

A guide to outdoor speakers

Fooling no one: a Niles rock speaker.

The idea of disguising outdoor speakers as garden rocks has merit. It's in the execution that it falls down. Rock speakers look about as genuine as a three dollar Rembrandt.