• Haylee Millikan The Daily
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Last year for the Housing Edition, I wrote about living in a studio apartment. I wrote about loving the privacy, midnight snacks, living alone with my cat, and not wanting it any other way. But, because I couldn’t read the future, I happened to be wrong. I did end up wanting it another way, …

  • Alex Bruell The Daily
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For $1,425 a month, you can rent a prime 216 square feet of property in the Noe Valley of San Francisco. Talk about luxury — you’re getting nearly 15 feet by 15 feet of room to stretch out and relax. You could fit an entire twin bed in there. If $1,425 is too much, people often lease large c…

  • Makayla Kinsella The Daily
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This morning, I had a fight with the drawer in my kitchen. Since the drawers don’t roll in and out of the counter, retrieving utensils must be done with sheer force. At least this isn’t as bad as the fight with my window, which refuses to open or close without the use of a hammer. But the kn…

  • Praphanit Doowa The Daily
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Toilet paper costs about $9 at the District Market next to Alder Hall where I live. But because I have two roommates, we split the cost, and that saves me about $6 every two weeks. While $6 may not seem like much, if I were living alone I would have to pay that much more every couple weeks, …

  • Abigail Hendrix Contributing writer
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If Santa and Mrs. Claus managed a vintage apartment building in Seattle, they would run it like Jack and Kathy run my building: warm coffee pot in the lobby, cookies by the front entrance, and an office door that is always open (and always smells faintly of cigarettes). 

  • Ali Cho Contributing writer
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If there’s one thing I learned during the chaotic scramble that ensued while trying to sign a lease, it’s that you cannot be too picky with who you sign with. However, it wasn’t until the first time we had to actually ask our landlord about living problems that I found just how forgiving we …

  • Alex Bruell The Daily
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My freshman year was a blast. Living with two of my best friends in the dorms meant that every day felt like a sleepover, and between the three of us I had all the fun I needed right there in my dorm room, which, in retrospect, didn’t push me to grow as much as I wanted.

  • Rachel Ferro Contributing writer
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The UW is one of the only remaining universities where freshmen who join a Greek organization immediately move into the prospective chapter house after receiving a bid. Last fall, as an incoming student, I knew I wanted to go Greek, but was concerned that in my first year of college I would …

  • Vriti Wadhwa The Daily
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In the first year of college, students should be allowed to experience and be immersed in the overall vibe. This generally includes living in the dorms during their freshman year, as it is considered to be helpful in getting to know new peers, friends, and the community in general. After tak…

  • Nathalie Graham The Daily
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I have just finished trying to determine where a certain foul odor was emanating from in our basement. Neither an expert nor a hound dog, I was able to determine with a certain uncertainty and my fairly keen sense of smell that there is probably a dead rat in our walls. 

  • Dalton Day Contributing writer
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Expectations to find affordable housing with ample space must be left at the threshold of the U-District. It’s one or the other. But not every student has parents with disposable income to provide their children with large, comfortable, and expensive lodging while they attend school.