• Lise Lalonde
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Surrounding Milo Yiannopoulos’ campus visit, someone was shot, others were harassed. Op-eds and letters were written, and no doubt you have read some of them. No doubt have you also read the campus’ administration’s response to these events, and maybe you feel that they simply followed the l…

  • Marshall Sherrell Junior, English/Japanese
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I’ve written before about the climate of attack on the sacred right of free speech we all have. I wrote about this after the election, noting the violence that followed. I could write much more about the topic today, after a scheduled speech was blocked by anarchists on the UW campus, while …

  • Daniel Metz
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Last week protesters turned out in droves to condemn the speech of Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos at Kane Hall. Yiannopoulos—for the two people left on campus who still haven’t heard of him—is a hideous human being who has risen to prominence via purposely provocative attacks toward the …

  • Louisa Mackenzie French and Italian Studies
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My heart breaks for Alan-Michael Weatherford and for our community (Guest Editorial, January 27th). I have worked with Alan-Michael in the classroom and he is one of the most engaging, ethical and innovative teachers we have, at any level. No one should be subjected to the hatred he has expe…

  • Joy Geerkens The Daily
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In light of recent events, I believe it to be appropriate to use this column as a platform to speak of love from a standpoint that’s significant to me. I cannot sit here and write about love while I witness the greatest violation of it that I have seen in my lifetime. 

  • Zezhou Jing The Daily
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Nearly one year ago, I took a class about law and discourse. For the final project, student groups were assigned to analyze real-world cases, present them to the class, and write a report. For better or worse, my group chose the controversial criminal prosecution “State of Florida v. George …

  • Rebecca Gross The Daily
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Friday, Jan. 20, there was a biting tension on campus. The abstract tension — brought on by both the inauguration and the UW College Republicans’ (UWCR) choice to curate an event starring alt-right promoter of hate speech Milo Yiannopoulos — allotted for violence to infiltrate our campus in …

  • Emma Arends The Daily
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I don’t know what your goals were in protesting Milo Yiannopoulos in Red Square on Jan. 20. It was unclear whether you were protesting the decision to let him speak on campus, if you wanted to shut down the event altogether, if you were voicing your opposition to his ideology, if you wanted …

  • James Young
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I’m reading your article asserting that Cantwell, and Murray not run again, I whole heartedly agree. I believe that our Government has been taken over by corporate interests, along with the self-serving interests on congress themselves. This is not a government by the people for the people, …

  • Andrew Estey The Daily
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In response to recent events surrounding the presidential election, I’ve been feeling extremely overwhelmed. I’ve been pushed and pulled by different voices telling me how I should feel. I’ve had my own beliefs challenged over and over again. 

  • Joy Geerkens The Daily
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When people speak of exes, they tend to use the most imaginative of idioms: skeletons hiding in the closet, ghosts haunting the lonely hallways of our minds, and the occasional mention of soul-sucking creatures. Our past experiences, it seems, have a tendency to be transformed into low-budge…

  • Emma Arends The Daily
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Jessica Gamble, head of the UW College Republicans, received harassment and intimidation for inviting Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at the UW. Someone put up a flyer of her face, her contact information, and her father’s contact information as well. The flyer encouraged people to “let Jessie kn…

  • Hailey Robinson The Daily
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I’ve wanted to be a journalist since I started high school. My family was thrilled; as a journalist, I would be following in the footsteps of my great grandpa, who bought a newspaper company in 1952. Journalism was the family business, one that Jerry Robinson passed on to his sons and that m…

  • Joy Geerkens The Daily
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[Editor’s Note: “Hot Dawgs” is a weekly column written by Joy Geerkens exploring love, sex, and relationships at the UW.] 

  • Samuel Bakken Sophomore
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Many students have called for Milo Yiannopoulos to be barred from speaking. I agree speakers who promote violence or crime should not be given a platform, but do not believe Milo is one of those speakers. Respecting fellow students is important, but respect goes beyond respect for feelings: …

  • Joy Geerkens The Daily
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In Juliet’s famous soliloquy, “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” Shakespeare laments about the importance of definitions. While he was discussing the name “Montague,” I’ve been struggling with my own definitions lately. Namely, those of love.