Legal Contact Info

Contact information for law enforcement, legal counsel, compliance and regulatory bodies.

We take your legal questions and concerns very seriously at GoFundMe. For a directory of who to contact for your specific inquiry, please review the sections below.

If you have a problem concerning an account, how GoFundMe works or any other general issue, please email, or Contact Customer Support.

If you are looking to get a campaign removed for fraudulent or untrustworthy behavior, report the campaign here.

If you are law enforcement and have a court-ordered subpoena to submit to GoFundMe for review, please email it to

All civil subpoenas must be properly served on GoFundMe, preferably by mailing the subpoena to National Corporate Research, our registered agent.

GoFundMe does not accept service of civil subpoenas via e-mail or fax and will not respond to civil subpoenas delivered by email or fax.

If you have a question about legal compliance or other matters relating to the law, please email, or contact Customer Support.

Common Questions

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  • Mobile-Friendly Campaigns
  • No penalties for missing goal
  • GoFundMe Mobile App
  • No deadlines or goal requirements
  • 5-Minute Email Support
  • Keep every donation you receive