

Canada swings to deficit in November with expenses up, revenue down Friday, 27 Jan 2017

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Canadian government swung to a budgetary deficit in November compared to the year before as revenue decreased and program expenses increased due to a new benefit for families, the Finance Department said on Friday.  Full Article

GM to cut 625 jobs in Canada, move some work to Mexico: union Friday, 27 Jan 2017 

TORONTO (Reuters) - General Motors Co will cut 625 jobs at its auto assembly plant in Ingersoll, Ontario, by the end of July as it moves some production work to Mexico, the president of Canada's largest auto workers union said on Friday.  Full Article  

Energy pipelines back in investor favor after Trump orders Friday, 27 Jan 2017 

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investors have rushed back into North American pipelines after U.S. President Donald Trump revived growth prospects in a sector that struggled to cope with a two-year oil price slump and strident opposition from environmental and Native American activists.  Full Article