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Foxconn security guards caught beating factory workers

Just when we thought we wouldn't be hearing anymore of that hellhole-of-a-workplace otherwise known as Foxconn, yet another scandal has erupted. This time, several security guards at Foxconn's Beijing plant have been filmed getting physical with factory workers. In a clip that has been circulating around on Chinese interwebs, two guards are first seen pulling a Foxconn employee by his shirt and shoving him around. Meanwhile, three other guards outside have pinned another employee to the ground, and they are joined by another ten or so guards who then jointly beat the living daylights out of that guy.

So far, a grand total of nine employees at Foxconn, the company that manufactures all your iPhones, iPods and iPads, have committed suicide (two unsuccessfully), mostly by jumping off their dormitory. Foxconn spokespeople have so far denied sweatshop allegations, saying the employees that committed suicide all did so out of various personal reasons. One Foxconn spokesperson, speaking to Beijing TV, points to the 8,000 queueing outside the plant daily for a job at Foxconn as proof positive that the company is a desirable workplace, not a sweatshop.

UPDATE: Foxconn confirms beatings as yet another employee plunges to his death

Also read: Engadget's translation of an investigative report by Southern Weekly into working conditions at Foxconn.

Read more about Foxconn here.