Revenge of a Citibank worker

Saboteur from Office Space

An IT worker with Citibank was jailed last week for deliberately downing 90% of the bank's network, following an unfavourable review with a manager.

When the robots fire us

Computers are replacing people's jobs much faster, than new ones get created. What shall we do then?

Artificial intelligence, tech workers, and universal income: An interview

What are the possibilities for artificial intelligence to free us from the drudgery of work? How about the class outlook of those developing those technologies? Read and find out.

Fighting for #Justice4JohnPearson

Former PCS rep with a placard reading 'why won't PCS support victimised reps?'

Next week, the PCS union holds its annual delegate conference in Brighton. One of the most important issues on the agenda is that of whether the union will support its reps when they face victimisation. Unfortunately, the answer to that question remains uncertain.

Victimised reps forced to lobby their union in fight for support

PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka holding a megaphone

Two union reps sacked by their employer for their trade union activities are lobbying the National Executive Committee of the PCS union tomorrow. In two very similar cases of union busting and victimisation, the union has failed to offer adequate support in quite different ways.

Work and exploitation in the virtual economy

A brief history of my work as an online contractor and the exploitation inherent within the industry.

PCS hangs militant rep out to dry in HP dispute

PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka

The Public and Commercial Services Union has in the past year worked to sabotage a dispute between its members at Hewlett Packard and their employer. This has culminated in the betrayal of one of their own reps, John Pearson, after he was unjustly sacked by the company.

Hacking the Apple collective

A short account of working at Apple by a hacker employed there. Originally published in 2600 - The Hacker Quarterly

Halo 4 contractor calls for unionisation of the games industry

Put work on standby until games industry staff get better treatment

A former Quality Assurance tester at Certain Affinity studios, is calling upon games industry staff to be aware of the negative aspect of contractor work and need to organise for better conditions, pay and respect.

Winning together - collective identity and workplace action

A member of the Solidarity Federation Tech & Digital workers network recounts the building of a collective identity in their workplace, pushing a collective grievance and building on workplace victories.