
Updated: 11:59 EST

The brothels of Nigeria with HIV-positive prostitutes

A series of photographs taken in the slums of Lagos shows sex workers living in squalid conditions. Recent studies have found that nearly a quarter of Nigerian prostitutes have HIV. In one slum, named Badia, sex workers as young as 14, trying to earn money to survive, entertain around five clients a day.

Worcester woman in court for calling someone a pussy

Judge Daniel Pearce-Higgins was shocked when Aga Czachowska, 31, pictured left on the right, was hauled in front of Worcester Crown Court for making the 'offensive' remark to Karl Smalley (not pictured). Czachowska admitted sending a malicious communication which was 'grossly offensive', but Judge Pearce-Higgins, pictured right, blasted the decision to prosecute as he handed out a two-year conditional discharge. He said: He told the court: 'That's an offence is it? Good heavens. It's fairly standard behaviour in life. I'm concerned criminal law is properly used, not to stop people swearing at each other.'

Lucinda Salway hit out after her former husband and business partner Nicholas Salway was told he had brought the profession into 'disrepute' at a disciplinary hearing in London last week.

Dozens of families in pollution hotspots in Cornwall could be affected by new 'clean air' proposals, which would lead to some homes being taken from residents under purchasing laws.

Local authorities in London, Birmingham, Nottingham, Derby, Leeds and Southampton are thought to be considering drastic measures to crack down on diesel to improve air quality.

The re-call of thousands of chocolate Easter bunnies has been announced by the Co-op after a small button battery was found inside one of the hollow figures in Nottingham.

Robyn Mercer, 50, was found dead in her front garden with 'horrific' blows to the head after being attacked with an axe or machete - a year on no one has been charged with her murder.

Part-time office administrator Natalie Akinola plundered cash from electrical contractors ESS Birmingham Ltd - and diverted cash into her own bank account 93 times.

Disgraced scoutmaster and former teacher Mark Frost, 70, was a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange who campaigned in the 1970s and 1980s to lower the age of consent to 10.


A news story said about 250,000 people die in Britain each year from pulmonary embolism. In fact the figure, in 2012, was 2,300.

Squatters evicted from Russian oligarch's £15m London home

Dozens of anarchist squatters were turfed out of a £15million Grade II listed mansion owned by a Russian billionaire in a raid by bailiffs this morning. Around 40 activists were forced out of one of Britain's most desirable addresses by a team of ten bailiffs who smashed in the front and basement doors at 8.10am (pictured main and inset). The bailiffs spent around half an hour banging on doors and removing the squatters from the building in Eaton Square, Belgravia (shown bottom right). The squatters gathered on the pavement outside littering the street with belongings and rubbish before eventually drifting off. The group had been staying at the Grade II listed mansion (pictured inset) owned by Andrey Goncharenko in Eaton Square for the previous nine days (pictured top right).

Two companies have announced plans to run evening meetings on temporary tracks at a number of locations, including London, that will make up a list of venues for an international series.

Kate McCann - whose daughter Madeleine vanished 10 years ago in Portugal - is involved with a group that has been secretly auditioning for Britain's Got Talent.

Ryan Lock, 20, died while fighting against ISIS in Syria and an initial post-mortem suggests the chef may have 'shot himself' to avoid being captured by militants.

Despite a unanimous vote by MPs, the Whitehall panel which will decide whether to remove his honour has said it will not make a decision until investigations into BHS have concluded.

The 88-year-old Radio 2 host Brian Matthew was axed against his will whilst he was off work recovering from a fall, but now he'll return to Sounds of the 60s for a series of specials and a farewell episode.

The figures, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, show that HMRC issued 143,000 penalties last year to people who filed inaccurate information about their finances.

Those in London waste almost eight minutes searching for somewhere after each journey, compared with five minutes in the East of England and East Midlands.

Inspectors found the number of violent incidents at HMP Exeter (pictured) was far higher than at other local prisons and warned that the situation could get worse.

The boarding schools are being probed as part of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry into more than 60 establishments which have been identified as sites of alleged child abuse or neglect.

Viewers baffled as BBC Breakfast host is replaced mid-show

Louise Minchin was replaced halfway through the three-hour programme, filmed in Salford, with news and sports reader Sally Nugent stepping in to join co-host Dan Walker on the sofa. Ms Minchin, a 48-year-old accomplished triathlete, was flooded with messages from concerned viewers about her sudden absence from the screen. But BBC Breakfast praised the performance of last-minute 'super-sub' Sally, 45, and revealed the quick swap was called for after Ms Minchin became unwell. BBC Breakfast tweeted: 'Super-sub! @louiseminchin is not feeling very well so @sallynugent has joined @mrdanwalker on the sofa.' Dozens of fans have sent their well-wishes to the anchor, who has been hosting the morning show since 2006. Sue Carter posted: 'So sorry you're not feeling well..... look after yourself and look forward to see you on Breakfast asap.'

Dozens of Labour MPs, Scottish Nationalists and Liberal Democrats will spark fury by trying to block the Article 50 Bill giving Theresa May the power to trigger Brexit .

If and when Donald Trump visits the Queen he will be among more than 100 world leaders she has welcomed on state visits, and they have not all been judged well by the rest of the world.

Nigel Farage has accused London Mayor Sadiq Khan of hypocrisy after the latter spoke out against US President Donald Trump's immigration ban at a meeting of diplomats in London last night.

Dame Lowell Goddard, demanded that a favourite vase and other personal items be flown 11,400 miles across the world from her home in Wellington, New Zealand to Britain.

Mazin Younis (right) was also handed £500 by disgraced lawyer Phil Shiner for each Iraqi he persuaded to accuse soldiers of committing murder or torture, a tribunal in London heard.

Harriet Harman, Labour's former deputy leader and a prominent feminist, also said the new Doctor's assistant should be a man, so she could 'tell him what to do'.

Nigerian woman racks up £500k bill on IVF quadruplets

A Nigerian woman who gave birth to IVF quadruplets after a stop-over flight to the UK will detail her journey in BBC2 documentary Hospital, tomorrow. The 43 year-old Lagos native, known as Priscilla (left), was filmed over several weeks at London's St Mary's Hospital while racking-up a £500,000 bill which remains unpaid. Her case exposes the crippling costs that health tourists place on taxpayers, with Whitehall research putting the cost to the NHS at anywhere between £200million and £2billion a year. Other examples include a Palestinian man who 'disappeared into the community' following a kidney stones procedure (bottom right) and a Filipino woman (top right) who had heart surgery after falling ill visiting the UK, only to return home unable to pay for the procedure.

Rail bosses vowed to cut out the 'red tape, jargon and complication' that mean some passengers pay high fares for long, connecting journeys when there are quicker and cheaper alternatives.

Mr Barry, 61, who won in 2008 with The Secret Scripture, claimed the award for his novel Days Without End, which is set in 1850s America.

The BBC's security correspondent, who has been wheelchair-bound since being shot in 2004, had been filming a wildlife documentary in Papua New Guinea when he developed the sores.

Premier League footballer Fabrice Muamba (pictured) collapsed on the pitch in 2012. His heart stopped for 78 minutes and he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

The Brexit Secretary issued the tough message as he defiantly vowed to push ahead with the timetable for leaving the EU despite the government being dealt an humiliating legal blow.

Nicola Sturgeon, pictured today, said today's judgement raised 'fundamental issues' for Scotland and said it is now 'ever clearer' that Scotland should decide on its own future in a referendum.

Father reunited with unknown daughter in Staffordshire

John Duncan, 52, of Staffordshire, had no idea he had another child until he received a letter last year from Fifi Giannitto, 30, claiming she was his daughter. He was convinced she had got the wrong man, but after agreeing to a DNA test he was shocked when it returned a 99.99 per cent match. John had been in a relationship with Fifi's mum in the early 1980s. When they split up Fifi's mum discovered she was pregnant but didn't tell John and went on to raise her on her own. Despite not knowing about the other, John and Fifi have been living just eight miles from each other for nearly 30 years.

Steve Bannon, a father of three of south west England, has been repeatedly forced to defend himself against online trolls who believe him to be Donald Trump's chief strategist.

The 78-year-old was in her house in the Whitchurch area of Cardiff, South Wales, at around 4.10pm on Sunday when two vehicles collided with the building in 'terrible' weather conditions.

Officers conducting a 120-mile wide search across Scotland said they were 'growing increasingly' concerned for 14-year-old Jodie Keys, who went missing from her home in London last Thursday.

The fire caused extensive damage to the house in Glenfield, Leicestershire, which resulted in Corisande Collins' move into the property being significantly delayed.

Nathan Wood became disorientated after taking the psychoactive drug 'N-bomb', before stripping naked and jumping into the River Dart near Totnes in Devon on August 5 last year.

Kevin Wilcox has taken daughter Amy out of school and vowed to dye her hair purple again in protest at Severn Vale School in Gloucester putting her in isolation.

Nursing regulator spent £240,000 covering up information

James Titcombe (left inset), whose son Joshua (centre) died aged nine days old from a treatable infection at a hospital in Cumbria, said the Nursing and Midwifery Council was 'spending money hiding information'. The NMC had followed Mr Titcombe's efforts to launch an investigation into the death of his son Joshua in 2008 on social media and in his public statements, but gave him reports that 'had all but 10 words removed'. It came after Mr Titcombe helped shed light on a maternity unit scandal at Furness General Hospital (right inset) in Cumbria which led to the deaths of 16 babies and three mothers since 2004. The NMC told Mr Titcombe his case was 'so complex' it required help from an external law firm (bottom inset).

Luke Bannister (pictured), 16, from Wiltshire, won the glitzy World Drone Prix in Dubai last March. He divides his time between practice, competitions, working on his drones - and homework.

Paul Freathy and his wife Gail own a photographic shop business in Devon where they live, but the Home Office say they have not earned enough money to support themselves.

Tom Owen, from Pontypridd, South Wales, was taken to hospital on Monday at 12.20pm after police and paramedics were called to Llanrumney where he had been carrying out utility works.

Louis Simpson was reported missing after the blaze at Fairhurst Hall in Parbold, Lancashire, on Sunday afternoon. His family have said they are 'truly devastated' after police found his body.

Kirsty Shepherd, from Wakefield, was told by an Arriva driver (not pictured) that she could not get on despite there being room. This came just days after the Supreme Court ruled wheelchairs have priority.

Moira Stuart was forced to quit drinking because of health

Moira Stuart told listeners of Chris Evans' breakfast show on Radio 2 yesterday that she used to enjoy a tipple, especially at weddings. But she was forced to quit drinking after developing health problems. Evans was quizzing Miss Stuart, 67, about dry January, where drinkers abstain from alcohol for a month, and asked if she had never drunk. Miss Stuart became the first female African-Caribbean newsreader when she moved from radio to television news in 1981. Last year the Daily Mail revealed how BBC Radio 4 Today show presenter John Humphrys told Miss Stuart she was 'sensationally sexy' after a news bulletin.

Robert Muir (pictured), 49, killed the duck last May in a 'callous act of cruelty' in a beauty spot in Richmond, south west London, and has now been convicted after being caught on CCTV.

Danyal Davies was jailed today after 30 chainlink bullets were found in his Wigan home and three smoke grenades, a parachute flare, 20 blank rounds and 28 spent shells in his Army room.

The capital has seen a spate of crime carried out on scooters in recent months, including smash and grabs on shops and bag snatches on pavements.

The pensioner, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is accused of sexually assaulting his step-daughter and putting his hand in her underwear during a drive home from a KFC restaurant in Slough.

Sheena Boll, a mother-of-one, (pictured) pretended to be a vulnerable teenager so that she could accuse a colleague of being a paedophile. She worked with the male teacher at a school in Newham.

Thomas Orchard (pictured), 32, suffered a cardiac arrest in his cell at Exeter's main police station in October 2012, after being held down and a large webbing belt put across his face.

How we nailed the crooked HBOS bank boss who cost us £11m

This week six people, including two former HBOS bankers, were convicted of a huge fraud. One of them - Lynden Scourfield (pictured, circled) - frittered away customers' money on lavish cruises on superyachts, sex parties with porn stars like Suzie Best (right) and holidays to Barbados. Nikki Turner and her husband Paul (inset) have described the hell they went through at the hands of Lynden Scourfield, a senior director of HBOS, who faces jail when he is sentenced later this month along with pal David Mills (left).

Sarfraz Khan (pictured) was stabbed to death and his three brothers seriously hurt when a row with cousins at the family ice cream business in Bradford escalated in April last year.

CCTV captures 'moment of madness' as driver causes a three-vehicle crash by stopping in the middle of a 70mph road just because another motorist flashed at him

Shocking CCTV footage from a bus captured the moment a 'moment of madness' saw a motorist stop in the middle of a 70mph road - causing a three-car pile-up. Lee Allwright, 29, was driving his Peugeot 308 when he went to join the A27 and aggressively overtook a BMW X3 as they both joined. The driver of the BMW flashed him and Allwright braked ahead of the motorist before stopping in the middle lane near Shoreham, West Sussex. His actions resulted in the Compass bus hitting the back of the BMW which then shunted into Allwright's vehicle during rush hour.

The group of squatters have been at the Grade II listed mansion owned by Andrey Goncharenko in Eaton Square, London, for the last eight days but today lost their battle to remain there.

The pardons, including for Oscar Wilde (pictured), come after Second World War code-breaker Alan Turing was given a posthumous royal pardon in 2013 over a conviction for gross indecency.

Hundreds of vikings arrive in Shetland for Up Helly Aa

Hundreds of people wearing winged helmets, sheepskins and carrying axes and shields march through the streets of the town to recreate its ancient Viking past in a tradition that dates back to the 19th century. Up Helly Aa always takes place on the last Tuesday in January and culminates in a torchlit procession of Vikings (inset) and the burning of a galley (main). Shetland and neighbouring Orkney were ruled by the Norse for about 500 years until they became part of Scotland in 1468. The event stems from the 1870s when a group of young local men wanted to put new ideas into Shetland's Christmas celebrations.

Kevin Taylor was at Morrisons in Failsworth, Greater Manchester, on Monday with wife Bernie when he spotted a woman shouting at the armed man who then brandished a knife.

Barrister Michael Wolkind QC has been slammed by the Lord Chief Justice, at a London tribunal, for boasting on his website and for his 'patronising' behaviour to a fellow QC during a murder trial.

The former UKIP leader clashed with the daytime show's presenter Saira Khan after she accused him of encouraging attacks on Muslims.

Britain is set to be battered by strong gales and heavy rain as a weather front swings in from the Atlantic. Things aren't likely to improve throughout the month either, with a killer cold snap of -10C forecast.

Teenagers, between 14 to 18, have been invited to a 'Pop Ya Cherry' party at Bisoux Lounge in Esher, Surrey. The Valentine's event is being held on February 13.

The chain has now been slammed after it was spotted strapped to a gate leading the bin its branch in Wrexham, North Wales. The sign was taken down following protests.

University lecturer Kathleen Liddell moved from part time to full time hours after her break-up from Goran Mickovski, saying she needed to work 'as hard as she could' to 'survive financially'.

Snooker star Jimmy White's flat destroyed in fire

Fans' favourite White (inset), 54, posted a picture of police, firefighters and paramedics outside his flat (right) in Surrey as smoke poured (left) from the building. The player - nicknamed The Whirlwind - said: 'Fire at my flat this morning. Everything gone. Gutted. Cue was in car and most importantly no one hurt.' Fans and fellow players were quick to offer their support and sympathy to White, six times beaten World Championship finalist.

The would-be assassin, identified only as Betinho, fled the church in Limoeiro de Anadia in Alagoas, Brazil, having opened fire at a father and son who were set to serve as witnesses to the marriage. Dramatic video footage captured the moment he clumsily pulled a gun from his waistband and stars unloading, causing a frenzy inside the church. It was reported the ceremony continued unperturbed after the incident and that the shooting was a possible revenge attack due to the suspect's son being killed recently.

Faces of Nazi guards who killed a million Jews go online

The names of almost 10,000 Nazi SS guards who helped in the extermination of more than a million Jews at Auschwitz have been posted online for the first time. The huge database, which includes hundreds of photographs (pictured), has been uploaded by Poland's Institute of National Remembrance in an attempt to dispel false claims that many of the guards were Polish. The list of 9,686 names are predominantly German and their pre-war occupations are listed as farmers, butchers, teachers, cobblers and all manner of jobs.

Steeve Briois, who is part of the French far-right leader's campaign team, said American President Donald Trump's hugely controversial policy could work in Europe and could be implemented in France.

The incident happened in the town of Arnstein in the southern state of Bavaria and officials in Wuerzburg, Bavaria, are still working to determine the source of the gas and what caused it to leak.

Analysts from the Institute of National Remembrance, a Polish organisation that probes crimes against the Polish nation, have been studying handwritten documents by a agent codenamed Bolek.

Alisa Tsyrenova and Lyubov Tsyrenova from Siberia gave birth to girls Yulia and Dugarma 34 years ago but are coming to terms with the fact they raised daughters who weren't their own.

A court heard how the he 21-year-old female student, originally from Turkey, had been targeted by the three teenagers at Vienna's Paterstern station last April as she went to use the toilet.

The attacks follow weeks of combat on Yemen's western coast between the Iran-allied Houthis and the coalition backing Yemen's internationally recognized government.

Bright student Maksym M, 18, claims he was booted out of Blindow School in the Eastern German city of Leipzig because his social studies teacher mistook his raised hand for a Hitler salute.

The teacher has gone into hiding following the death of pupil Joy Wangari at Mukandamia Primary School. It has been claimed that fellow pupils were encouraged to beat Joy up.



BBC film poachers killing chimpanzees and selling orphans

Police and Interpol raided the West African operation's base following a year-long investigation by the BBC, which spanned across six countries. It is estimated that for each baby chimpanzee taken from the wild, 10 adults are killed, and their bodies are sold as bushmeat. Many are smuggled to wealthy buyers in the Middle East, south-east Asia and China, where demand is high, and are often locked up in a cage - or even killed - once they stop being 'cute'.

The mysterious holy men live a life of minimalism and rely heavily on people's good will as they travel through cities, villages and forests, sleeping in temples, under trees and on riverbanks.

The collection, taken by Scottish photography pioneer John Thomson, is expected to fetch £20,000 at an auction in New York next month.

Hitler's personal wartime phone that was picked up by a British officer from the 'Fuhrerbunker' in Berlin at the end of the Second World War is set to fetch over £400,000 when it is auctioned off next month.

A strong supporter of Brexit, Donald Trump (pictured) has said repeatedly that he wants to strengthen America's links with Britain and see it prosper after the UK withdrew from the EU.

For this new generation of baby boomers, the idea of co-existing with those whose values they were so busy rebelling against seemed anathema. The irony is, of course, that it is they who now need help.