
Unions urge Daniel Andrews to return trains, trams to public hands

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Melbourne's rail and tram networks must be returned to public hands so profits can be invested in improving infrastructure, the union movement has told Premier Daniel Andrews.

The Rail, Tram and Bus Union is leading a call for the Labor government to use the 2017 expiration of the contracts for Metro and Yarra Trams to allow the state to once again operate the networks.

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Metro's time could be up

Metro could be slapped with million of dollars in fines for late trains, if they sign on for a tougher seven-year franchise agreement.

Both companies have bids before the government and a decision on the next contract is expected soon.

RTBU secretary Luba Grigorovitch, writing in The Age, argues that profits are being wasted on propping up foreign companies when the cash would be better spent on improving Victoria's public transport infrastructure.

In her piece, she highlights how Metro Trains is part owned by the Hong Kong government, and that the French government has a stake in Yarra Trams.

"All up, the two operators have raked in over $10 billion in revenue, and $350 million in profits have been drained from the Victorian public transport system over seven years under the franchise agreements," she says.


"Which begs the question: why can't our own government run public transport?"

Public transport was privatised by the Kennett government in 1999.

The union has written to Mr Andrews, Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan and the state caucus urging them to support the plan.

"This issue resonates with the broader community and affects all Victorian taxpayers," Ms Grigorovitch wrote to caucus MPs. "It's also an issue which can unite the broader labour movement and show that we're prepared to put our money where our mouth is.

"I trust that we can call on your support to back the community, Victorian taxpayers and the broader labour movement over the interests of foreign corporations."

Ms Grigorovitch's campaign against the "privatisation rort" has the backing of the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Victorian Trades Hall.

"Victoria's public transport system is both a large employer and is vital for the almost 450,000 Victorian workers who use the trams and trains every day," ACTU secretary Ged Kearney said.

"With the coming expiry of the existing Victorian state public transport contracts, Daniel Andrews has an opportunity to put public transport back in the Victorian public's hands."

A public campaign will be launched at Trades Hall on Thursday, and flyers have been distributed at train stations. A digital campaign is also being launched.

Ms Allan said: "Irrespective of who operates our trains and trams, passengers just want a system that works – trains and trams that are clean, arrive on time and stop where they should.

"That's why we're creating a stronger contract for the operation of our train and tram systems, and getting on with the Metro Tunnel, 50 level crossing removals and the other major projects our network needs." 

At last year's state Labor conference, the RTBU successfully moved a motion calling for public transport to be returned to public hands.
