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  • Canberra Region

Canberra Region

3,190 jobs available in Canberra Region

Canberra, the capital of Australia, is the eighth-largest city in the nation and has a population of 367 000 people. Because of its function as the capital, a large number of the population work as public servants, and therefore the unemployment rate is lower than the nation's average, and as such the average income is higher than the nation's average.

Although only a 3-hour drive from Sydney, the weather in Canberra is slightly different, with drier summers and cold winters. Areas around Canberra may experience snow in the winter months, and for many, Canberra is an oft-used stop on the way to the Victorian snowfields, the neighbouring state.

Canberra is home to the Parliament House, the Australian War Memorial and the National Gallery of Australia, all culturally significant locations. Mia Wasikoska, who played Alice opposite Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, was born in Canberra.

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