
Cleveland harbour developer's political donations revealed by AEC

The company leading a $1.3 billion re-development of Cleveland's harbour legally made a $200,000 donation to the federal Liberal Party and three smaller donations totaling $23,000 to the ALP in Queensland in 2015-16, Australian Electoral Commission returns show.

Walker Group Holdings is undertaking the $1.3 billion re-shaping of Toondah Harbour and a major restructuring of the nearby coastal section using reclaimed sand.

The company also donated $5000 the Queensland Liberal National Party in August 2015, which is in opposition and not in government in Queensland.

The Liberal Party has been in office federally since September 2013, while the Labor Party has been in office in Queensland since January 2015.

The Walker project would transform the Cleveland area into a new ferry terminal and marina for 400 vessels, plus up to 3400 new apartments, units and homes on landscaped regions, on material dredged from the harbor.

The project has Queensland Government preliminary backing.


However the Queensland Government is waiting on the outcome of the environmental impacts on several migratory seabirds species protected under federal legislation.

The federal government oversees this process.

The project has recently entered an environmental impact study period, which is monitored by the federal government under its biodiversity legislation.

Conservationists question the impact of dredging on the 67 hectare project because it falls within the 113,300-hectare Moreton Bay wetland area where development must be scrutinised closely.

The Australian Electoral Commission returns for 2015-16 show Walker Group Holdings legally donated;

1 - $5000 to the Australian Labor Party in Queensland on March 14, 2016.

2 - $7000 to the Australian Labor Party in Queensland on April 14, 2016.

3 - $11,000 to the Australian Labor Party in Queensland on June 17, 2016.

4 - $5000 to the Liberal National Party in Queensland on August 5, 2015.

5 - $25,000 to the Liberal Party of Australia on October 8, 2015.

6 - $200,000 to the Liberal Party of Australia on May 31, 2016.

7 - $3000 to the Liberal Party of New South Wales on May 17, 2016.

The company has consistently donated to both major political parties. It donated $100,000 to the Liberal Party of Australia in July 2013 and $10,000 to the Australian Labor Party in August 2013.

In 2010-2011 it donated $120,000 to the Liberal Party of Australia and $10,000 to the Australian Labor Party.

In 2009-10 Walker Group Holdings donated $100,000 to the Liberal Party of Australia, $5000 to the Liberal Party in Victoria, $9000 to the Labor Party in Queensland and $1500 to the Labor Party in South Australia.

However when the Australian Labor Party was in power federally in 2007-08 and Queenslander Kevin Rudd became prime minister, Walker Group Holdings donated $200,000 to the ALP.

It donated $200,000 to the New South Wales ALP on October 2007 and $50,000 to the New South Wales division of Liberal Party of Australia.