
Latest articles belonging to Asia-Pacific.

Former United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon has announced he will not stand for the presidency of his country.
New figures show Afghan government control of the country's 407 districts has fallen 6.2 per cent since last August.
Australian Justice Minister Michael Keenan has urged ongoing co-operation with Indonesia during his Jakarta visit, following last month's defence upset.
The New Zealand election will be held on September 23 , Prime Minister Bill English has announced.
Philippine police may have committed crimes against humanity by killing thousands of alleged drug offenders or paying others to murder as part of President...
Described as a "key player" in Indonesia's people smuggling network, a man is set to appear in court over 2015's cash for boat turn-back scandal.
A Bali police officer who was allegedly killed by Australian woman Sara Connor and her British boyfriend would have taken hours to die, a doctor says.


Latest articles belonging to Middle-East.

Israel's president has tried to break down the wall of communication with Mexico after an unfortunate tweet from PM Benjamin Netanyahu.
The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is deepening with a UN study revealing 2.2 million children in the country are suffering from malnutrition.
Russia on Tuesday said that a reported ballistic missile test by Iran does not contravene a United Nations resolution.
Baghdad has called for the United States to review its "wrong decision" to prevent Iraqis from entering the country as parliament backed reciprocal restrictions...
The Feed
But the image isn’t actually that far-fetched.
Prominent leaders from around the world have registered their concern, though several have declined to comment.
The Iraqi Parliament has voted to "retaliate" against the United States in response to Donald Trump's travel ban.


Latest articles belonging to Europe.

The details of more than 2.5 million gamers have been hacked after a cyber breach on two popular video games forums, it has been claimed.
Russian officials remain tight-lipped with several of four people arrested on treason charges linked by media to a government cyber-espionage unit and the CIA.
Donald Tusk made the comments in a letter to the EU leaders, although the UK was left off the list.
A scandal surrounding French presidential hopeful Francois Fillon deepened on Tuesday with allegations that he obtained jobs for his children as well as his wife...
The announcement follows commitments made at the 2016 Paris climate conference.
Ukraine and Russia blamed each other for a surge in fighting in eastern Ukraine in recent days that has led to the highest casualty toll in weeks and cut off...
An animal reserve in the Netherlands is having apes respond to images of their fellow creatures on a tablet, a programme dubbed 'Tinder for orangutans' by the...


Latest articles belonging to Africa.

Militants from the al-Shabab group have rammed a car bomb into a hotel in Mogadishu, killing at least 28.
Militants from the al Shabaab group have rammed a car bomb into a hotel in Mogadishu, killing at least 18.
Fears loose lips could compromise national security have prompted an unusual command from Zambia's police inspector general.
Gambian President Adama Barrow has chosen a former minister of longtime leader Yahya Jammeh as vice-president, a spokesman said Monday.
Six years after Hosni Mubarak was forced from power, the activists behind Egypt's 2011 uprising are facing a new crackdown and struggling to see much reason for...
The Gambia's exiled strongman Yahya Jammeh plundered the state coffers and stole millions of dollars in his final weeks in power, an aide to new President Adama...
West African troops approached the Gambian capital Sunday to secure President Adama Barrow's arrival from neighbouring Senegal, as controversy erupted over the...

North America

Latest articles belonging to North America.

The legal challenges to US President Donald Trump's contentious immigration order are mounting with several US states filing lawsuits against the executive order.
US Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly says some nationals from Muslim-majority countries blocked from entering the US may be so permanently.
A January 30-31 Reuters/Ipsos poll has found roughly one in two Americans back President Donald Trump's travel restrictions.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair Senator Bob Corker says congress may need to modify Donald Trump's order restricting travel into the United States.
John Sigmund, whose sister, Johanna, died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 says Donald Trump's travel ban is "totally unacceptable".
President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced conservative US appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch, 49, as his selection to fill a Supreme Court seat that has been...
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have exploited rules to delay until Wednesday a vote on Senator Jeff Sessions' nomination to be attorney general.

South America

Latest articles belonging to South America.

Forest fires ravaging southern Chile have now killed 11 people, President Michelle Bachelet said Saturday, as firefighters waged an all-out battle to extinguish the...
Officials are working to stop an outbreak of yellow fever that has killed at least 40 people in Brazil from becoming an epidemic.
Vast woodland fires in the center and south of Chile have caused "the biggest forestry disaster in our history," President Michelle Bachelet said on Monday,...
Brazil's government is enlisting the help of the armed forces in resolving a serious crisis in the nation's prisons.

Study to unlock mysteries of sun

A group of scientists in Chile are pointing radio telescopes towards the sun in a bid to unlock its mysteries.
A shooting erupted during an electronic music festival at a Mexican beach resort early Monday, leaving five people dead, including one in a stampede as revelers...
Twenty-seven inmates have died in a riot in a Brazilian jail sparked by a war between rival drug factions.