David Vance


A man on a mission in two or three editions. Pro civilisation. Editor of A Tangled Web & Biased BBC.

Дата регистрации: февраль 2009 г.

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  1. Закрепленный твит

    Importing a Death Cult across Europe and then acting surprised when it turns vicious is either gross stupidity or duplicity. You decide

  2. "Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance" Hussein Obama

    Этот твит недоступен.
  3. Social engineering: Children should be given the chance of a normal life and having a Mother & Father.

  4. Former soldiers to be prosecuted for IRA man's murder. Scandalous. They are heroes for killing terrorists!

  5. Keith Vaz police investigation closed. Establishment closes ranks - again

  6. How Sweden has changed ...

  7. All should be arrested as patent enemies of the State. Better still, deport. Somalia is nice I hear!

  8. Casualty set hosts mannequin challenge with NHS staff. Virtue Signalling, try working harder

  9. The stages of grief for the left processing Hillary Clinton's loss. A good read


  11. Tip tips. Invoke Article 50 forthwith. Freeze all UK contributions to EU until exit terms satisfactorily concluded. Wave bye bye

  12. If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act? Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?

  13. Theresa-No-Mates: how Brussels snubbed our Prime Minister. I would be proud to be snubbed by them 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  14. Britain handed £50bn exit bill by EU when Theresa May triggers Article 50. Fine. Hand them a £60bn bill!

  15. UK recycling figure drops for first time, figures show. A load of rubbish...

  16. The is dependent on the British contributions to its annual budget. How about these go on hold until they start to show us respect?

  17. The UK should simply tell the EU our date of departure & declare we will not put tariffs on their exports to us so long as they reciprocate.

  18. Sugar tax and climate change. Both brought about to generate income by deceit!

  19. Now only one in six British savings accounts beats inflation rate

  20. Ten years to conclude a trade deal with the EU? That means 10 years for the EU to do a deal with the UK, it's biggest market! All garbage

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