'Vollie' Is The Aussie Startup Making Volunteering Easier Than Ever

The world is ready for your kindness.

01/02/2017 1:58 PM AEDT | Updated 01/02/2017 7:17 PM AEDT
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The online platform is being utilised by not-for-profits Australia-wide.

If you've ever tried your hand at volunteering, you'd know it comes with a fair amount of difficulty.

From mountains of paperwork to a hefty price (sometimes it costs to be kind), the whole business of it can be enough to send you back to focusing on your own busy life, rather than those most in need of a simple act of kindness.

That's where Vollie comes in. It's an online platform on a mission to make volunteering easier than ever before.

It's currently being utilised by not-for-profits Australia-wide who are seeking skilled professionals to complete a range of projects online from anywhere in the world.

For Miranda Dix, an RMIT fashion graduate, it was a no-brainer to get involved with Make-A-Wish when they posted a callout for a costume designer to create a 'pirate princess' costume for a child with a life-threatening medical condition.

It's not really something I've ever been exposed to and you can't help but feel warmed and moved by the whole experience.

"I'd actually witnessed Make-A-Wish grant a little boy his wish over the Christmas period when I was working as 'Santa's photographer' in a shopping centre," Dix, who lives in Melbourne told The Huffington Post Australia.

As the little boy was given the keys to Santa's winter wonderland for the evening, Dix couldn't help but be inspired.

"It's not really something I've ever been exposed to and you can't help but feel warmed and moved by the whole experience," Dix said.

Creating a custom-made 'pirate princess' costume for a four-year-old girl and her 11-year-old sister was the perfect fit for Dix, who had been wanting to throw her support behind Make-A-Wish but wasn't sure how to utilise her skillset.

Projects posted on Vollie range from copywriting and social media right through to food photography.

"I've almost completed the costumes, I've just got a few final things to attach to spice them up a bit," Dix said.

The moodboard images the little girls sent through for inspiration were hardcore pirates with a girly touch.

"One's purple and the other is pink and they'll have diamantes, glitter and lots of sparkle," Dix said.

Since launching in November, Vollie have signed up 25 not-for-profits including Foodbank, Make-A-Wish, Starlight Children's Foundation and The Butterfly Foundation.

Now all they need is your time heart.


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