What Do I Do If My Tenant Sublets My Property Without Notifying Me

Subletting is a nightmare for landlords especially when their tenant chooses not to inform them of it. If you don’t want your tenants to sublet, then this has to be made very clear at the beginning and included in the contract

17 Nov 2014

Calculating Rental Yield and ROI

So how do you calculate your return on investment (ROI)? There are two components to this;

17 Nov 2014

4 Risks to Renting Out Your Property

There is always an innate risk to renting out your property but it is a risk that is constantly overshadowed by the allure of making some cash on the side.

17 Nov 2014

4 Common Rental Violations and How to Deal With Them

Most of the issues faced are common enough that it won’t feel unwarranted to include them in the contract...

17 Nov 2014

guide & resources

Tenant Eviction : What You Need to Know

Evicting a tenant is not as simple as knocking on the door ......

19 May 2014

guide & resources

The Cost of Being A Landlord

If you have thoughts toward being a landlord, there is an inherent cost...

28 Feb 2014

guide & resources

Landlord's Safety Responsibilities

As the landlord, it is your utmost responsibility to ensure that the property you’ve rented out to a tenant is safe and free from all health hazards.

28 Feb 2014