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Wearables are the next smartphones, says Telstra

Telstra chief technology officer Vish Nandlall.

Telstra chief technology officer Vish Nandlall. Photo: Pat Scala

If you ever had any doubt about the significance of the latest buzz phrase in tech – the "internet of things" – here's some food for thought.

In as little as five years, internet-enabled devices such as smart wearables and appliances will be chewing up more data on Telstra's mobile and broadband networks than people using the web will, according to Telstra's chief technology officer, Vish Nandlall.

"Wearables are really the next smartphone," he told Fairfax Media, describing the next five to 10 years as a "Cambrian explosion" in connected devices.

"I think the curve starts to bend around probably 2020 leading into 2025.

"That's where we're going to see a lot more industries start to come in, and then you're going to see much more penetration of these services across the population."

US tech giant Cisco Systems believes there could be as many as 50 billion objects connected to the internet by 2020.

Consumers' hunger for high bandwidth on mobile networks shows no sign of slowing either – and that means unless telcos dramatically change the way they operate, the only thing set to explode is phone bills.

The "new era" of the Internet of Things will require networks to undergo a subtle shift towards quantity of connections, rather than quality, to accommodate these changes.

Though Telstra, Australia's biggest telco provider, is only just launching 4G voice calls – known as Voice over LTE, or VoLTE – next month, it's already looking to 5G to soak up the extra data use.

"The type of connection that a human needs is very different from the type of connection a thing needs," Mr Nandlall said.

"A human needs a few connections that are high bandwidth, and a thing needs many connections for very low bandwidth, and 5G is going to help make that happen."

In another indication of how seriously the telco is taking the Internet of Things trend, the tech boss said Telstra was looking at stocking connected devices such as wearables in its stores in future.

It seems like a natural evolution following the $112 million revamp of its flagship "Discovery Store" in Sydney's George Street, which features interactive experiences and customer service staff milling about on the shop floor.

It's no longer about just selling phones and plans, but about maintaining a holistic presence in the connected future.

Telsyte managing director Foad Fadaghi said there was an opportunity for telcos to sell wearables in bundles with handsets, because these devices generally relied on handsets to operate.

However, he questioned whether the margins in products without their own SIM cards would be attractive enough for telco retailers.

"They might not see it as a business imperative but more as a marketing need or a vendor push, particularly from Android partners who are a lot more accommodating around Telstra's needs rather than their own," Mr Fadaghi said.

Apple is likely to maintain tight control over which third-party retailers stock its much-anticipated Apple Watch – due for Australian release next month – to ensure customers get the right service around the product.

But more SIM-enabled devices are expected to come onto the market as the category matures – and that's where the big opportunity lies for telco providers.

"We believe there will be a lot more smartwatches in the future that utilise LTE or other connectivity," Mr Fadaghi said.

"There's definitely consumer demand for those kinds of products, given they provide an always-on connectivity."

Smartwatches from Apple's rivals such as the Samsung Gear S and the forthcoming LG Watch Urbane LTE are already SIM-enabled so can operate without the need of a smartphone.

Car manufacturers such as BMW are also adding SIMs to vehicles to arm them with a range of smart capabilities, from notifying the mechanic when it's time for a service, to texting the driver when a car battery is low.

Other emerging technologies such as LTE (4G) broadcast television will provide additional opportunities for telco providers, Mr Fadaghi said.

Mr Nandlall said Telstra would be selective about the brands of connected devices it stocked, because security standards around connected objects were still emerging.

3 comments so far

  • He's dreaming. The "internet of things" is just another mindlessly silly buzz phrase that sucks in people who don't have a clue. It will be a non event.

    Date and time
    Mon Mar 23 10:15:16 UTC 2015
    • The "Internet if Things" is a buzz phrase to distinguish from today's scenario where the bulk of internet activity is human initiated. In the Internet of Everything we will see the exponential growth a "things" initiating connectivity based on their designed function, typically in the background. If you can't see the early signs of this already in existence - and if you can't postulate the likely trajectory of these emerging trends - then this non-event will pass you by.

      Date and time
      Tue Mar 24 01:11:39 UTC 2015
  • Wearables have been around for a few yrs now and they have barely moved. I work in IT and am aware of a handful of colleagues with such devices. Their appeal is modest and growth isnt dynamic.

    Im an Apple fanboy but dont feel the slightest need for an Apple watch...

    Date and time
    Mon Mar 23 22:45:42 UTC 2015

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