See your project‘s history with the Activity view

Projects are a great way to keep your tasks organized on GitHub, and they‘re especially useful when working with a team. To make it easier to keep track of what‘s going on in a Project with lots of people, we‘re introducing the new Project Activity view, a way for you to view a history of all the activity that‘s happened in your project.

Screenshot of the Project Activity view

If you find that a particular card isn‘t where you left it, it could be because one of your teammates renamed it or moved it to a different column. The Project Activity view can help you track down these changes, so you can figure out exactly what‘s changed since the last time you looked at your Project.

Since we‘ve only recently started recording activity for this feature, your project‘s activity history won‘t go back much before January 27th, 2017. However, you‘ll be able to see any changes to your project after that date. It‘s time to start making history!

In the meantime, you‘re welcome to drop any questions, comments, or feedback about Project Activity into our help form.

Introducing Topics

Discover networks of similar repositories in a completely new way with Topics. Topics are labels that create subject-based connections between GitHub repositories and let you explore projects by type, technology, and more.


Click on a topic that interests you to find related repositories. Adding topics to your repositories will help other users discover your projects, too.


You may see suggested topics when adding a topic to a public repository. These suggestions are the result of machine learning and natural language processing applied to repository content. We're at the start of this new journey and rejecting suggestions that don't fit well will help us train our model for more meaningful results.

Our Help documentation will show you how Topics works today, and there's more to come. Topics will continue to grow as we learn more from you and better understand GitHub's role in project discovery. We can't wait to see how you use this new feature!

GitHub Classroom for AP Computer Science at Naperville North High School

We released GitHub Classroom in fall of 2015 to make it easier for teachers to distribute code and collect assignments on GitHub. In the last year, we've seen it enter the classrooms of thousands of teachers. We're delighted that it's helping students learn STEM subjects and even more excited to share the processes, tips, and tricks educators have built around it.

To kick off a series about educators and classroom practices, we'd like to introduce you to Geoff Schmit, a former engineer for National Instruments. In his tenth year of teaching at Naperville North High School, Geoff seeks to prepare students with the mindset of a creative, ethical engineer who uses real-world tools:

I had a background in source control which I brought with me from my life as a software engineer. I think students should learn about source control before they leave this class. They should have written unit tests before they leave this class. And they should read articles about technology in society and ethics before they leave this class.

He kickstarts his semester with pre-filled repositories—sample code and libraries in GitHub Classroom. Students dive straight in, without the tool getting in the way:

On the first days of school I want them doing turtle graphics in BlueJ. I don't want to worry about setting up the environment and everything. So I'm able to pre-package everything, so they can double-click on it and type some code in, and we'll work.

This is his first year using GitHub Classroom to organize his assignments and gently introduces students to GitHub.

Using Classroom, students click on a single link to create and manage their repositories:

So rather than them having to worry about forking, cloning, and that stuff, they just click on the link to accept the assignment.

With Github Classroom things are so much smoother because it copies the whole assignment into a private repository, which is nice.

Distribute assignments with one link

To submit their assignment, students commit to the master branch of their own repositories, then pass that link to Geoff’s Learning Management System (LMS), Canvas.

To grade their the project, Geoff downloads the code through the GitHub desktop client, runs it, and assesses the lab.

I have the link right there to GitHub, and I click on it, and I download it, go through all their code, run it, whatever, and just go right on to the next one. So it's super fast to take a look at their code and run it, which is great. It's been really easy. It's worked really well.

Creative assignments

Dr. Mitchell Resnick, creator and educator of Scratch, refers to learning experiences with “low floors, wide walls:” activities that are easy to begin, but enable a creative flow that keeps learners engaged past the requirements.

Geoff’s labs aim to spark this kind of engagement in his students. The Cityscape Lab, one of four over the semester, offers few concrete specifications: create three classes and animate your Cityscape in some way.

Cityscape Lab from Schmit’s course

So, that's the low floor and for some students, that's going to be a stretch and they're going to work really hard to do that.

But then for others, it's like, "Well, you could do more." We haven't done loops or anything yet so I say, can you figure out how to do windows, other than having to draw all 100 of them by hand? or *can you figure out basic looping structures? 

And I've had submissions like a student who downloaded constellation star data so the stars in the sky actually matched reality. I'm sure she spent hours and hours outside of class working on that but she was really excited about it, whereas other students just got their buildings done, and that's fine.

What I have been surprised about, because I was worried about it at first, is that when students meet the requirements they don't stop.

Top Classroom hacks

Geoff has several AP Computer Science courses a day. When he’s demonstrating to his class and projecting code snippets or examples, he uses one branch per class period.

So when Period Four starts on Tuesday, Geoff picks up from yesterday’s branch:

Every day I update Canvas with a link to the branch of each class period. If a student is absent, they know where to find everything we did together as a class yesterday. And that's been really great.

Take risks, trust each other

Geoff only grades exams and a summative lab at the end four units. All the other projects, daily hands-on activities, and everything else, is all practice.

By putting projects front-and-center instead of grades, Geoff says students are more open to learning experiences that might put them in more vulnerable positions, like sharing work and pair programming.

Students say to themselves, "I can take risks. I'm not being graded on this. I'm not worried about my partner not doing as well as me, because we're just practicing." That trust goes a long way towards helping them accept different kinds of activities.

This post is the first in our “Teacher Spotlight” series. We’ll share the different ways instructors use GitHub in their classrooms, and facilitate discussions in the Education Community.

Join this week’s discussion: What are your favorite resources for teaching programming?

CARTO adds data insights to the Student Developer Pack

CARTO is the newest addition to the GitHub Student Developer Pack.

CARTO joins the Student Developer Pack

CARTO is a powerful open platform for discovering and predicting key insights underlying the world's location data. It's a suite of geospatial tools, services, and APIs for discovering and predicting the key insights from your location data in your applications. You'll be able to do powerful analysis of your data.

With CARTO you get:

  • CARTO Builder, a web-based drag-and-drop analysis tool for users to discover and predict key insights from location data.
  • CARTO Engine, a one-stop shop of geospatial tools, services, and APIs to discover and make predictions with your location data.
  • A Mobile SDK that lets you develop custom applications with maps on any mobile platform—Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile 10.
  • Location data services that let you obtain maps and services on native applications, using them on the web with open source JavaScript or third-party libraries.
  • Data Observatory services so you can turn your data or address locations into comprehensive reports about the characteristics of the local population.

Members of the pack get:

  • 350MB Database Storage
  • Synced Tables
  • $5 worth of LDS credit per month
  • 10K tweets per month
  • 100K mapviews per month
  • Free account upgrades with increased database storage
  • Real-time data
  • Location data service credits
  • Premium features

The Student Developer Pack gives students free access to the best developer tools from different technology companies like Datadog, GitKraken, Travis CI, and Unreal Engine.

Students, get mapping now with your pack.

New and improved two-factor lockout recovery process

Starting January 31, 2017, the Recover Accounts Elsewhere feature will let you associate your GitHub account with your Facebook account, giving you a way back into GitHub in certain two-factor authentication lockout scenarios. If you've lost your phone or have otherwise lost the ability to use your phone or token without a usable backup, you can recover your account through Facebook and get back to work. See how the new recovery feature works on the GitHub Engineering Blog.

Image of recovery screen on Facebook

Currently, if you lose the ability to authenticate with your phone or token, you have to prove account ownership before we can disable two-factor authentication. Proving ownership requires access to a confirmed email address and a valid SSH private key for a given account. This feature will provide an alternative proof of account ownership that can be used along with these other methods.

To set up the new recovery option, save a token on the security settings page on GitHub. Then confirm that you'd like store the token. If you get locked out for any reason, you can contact GitHub Support, log in to Facebook, and start the recovery process.

Image of recovery option on GitHub

Filter pull request reviews and review requests

Pull request reviews are a great way to share the weight of building software, and with review requests you can get the exact feedback you need.

To make it easier to find the pull requests that need your attention, you can now filter by review status from your repository pull request index.

A screenshot showing the reviews filter menu in a repository pull request index

Use the Reviews filtering menu to see the pull requests still awaiting review, unreviewed pull requests on protected branches that require a review, approved pull requests that are ready to merge, and pull requests that have a review requesting changes.

You can also filter pull requests that have been reviewed by a specific user and quickly locate those that have required your review in the past to decide which needs your attention first.

A screenshot showing the global review requests dashboard

Finally, we've also added review requests to the global pull request dashboard so you can see all pull requests awaiting your feedback across all of your repositories and organizations.

You're welcome to drop any questions, comments, or feedback into our help form.

Manage pull requests with the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio

No need to toggle between windows, you can now manage pull requests without leaving Visual Studio. The GitHub Extension for Visual Studio includes a new pull request window that lets you review code, make changes, and push those changes back to GitHub. This release also provides support for upstream repository contributors to collaborate on a forked branch.

A Pull Request shown in the GitHub Extension

You can install the extension directly from the Visual Studio gallery or download it from

Last year we introduced the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio as an open source project under the MIT license. We welcome you to log issues and contribute in the extension repository.

GitHub data, ready for you to explore with BigQuery

GitHub data is available for public analysis using Google BigQuery, and we’d like to help you take it for a spin.

If you'd like to find out more about what data is available and how it's been used so far, watch this conversation between GitHub Data Analyst Alyson La and Google Developer Advocate Felipe Hoffa. You'll learn the story behind the datasets and what types of analysis they make possible. You'll also see how we've visualized data with Tableau and Looker.

There's a lot of data out there, but it's all available through BigQuery in two large data sets. The original, community-led GitHub Archive project launched in 2012 and captures almost 30 million events monthly, including issues, commits, and pushes. Last year, we worked with Google to release The GitHub Public Data Set, separate tables with information on all projects that have open source licenses, including commits, file contents, and file paths.

You can also use the GH torrent project to complement the existing datasets with additional metadata.

We ran a list of queries on the datasets above to create the open source section of our Octoverse report, but anyone can run an analysis. Here are the results of some of the queries run so far.

  • "This should never have happened" has appeared in code comments more than a million times (hear this data point for yourself in this Changelog episode)
  • Where does open source happen? GitHub top countries shares which countries have the most open source developers per capita
  • How reliable is GitHub? Felipe runs a query to find out in GitHub reliability with BigQuery
  • There are a lot of feels in open source. Geeksta examines how emotions are expressed in GitHub commit messages
  • Are bigger pull requests better? Jessie Frazelle analyzed the top 15 projects on GitHub in terms of pull requests opened vs. pull requests closed

Happy exploring!

Navigate file history faster with improved blame view

Whether you're debugging a regression or trying to understand how some code came to have its current shape, you'll often want to see what a file looked like before a particular change. With improved blame view, you can easily see how any portion of your file has evolved over time without viewing the file's full history.


Check out the GitHub Help documentation for more information on using git blame to trace the changes in a file.

Flatiron School joins the GitHub Student Developer Pack

Flatiron School has joined the Student Developer Pack to offer students one free month of their Community-Powered Bootcamp, a flexible online course in web development.

Flatiron School joins the Student Developer Pack

The Community-Powered Bootcamp is a self-paced subscription program for beginners. You'll learn online using the same course of study as the Web Developer Program—a comprehensive curriculum tailored to job seekers. In a month, you can pick up a few in-demand skills and work with a community of other learners to start reaching your goals, whether they are technical literacy, a new programming language, or a new career.

The details

  • Get the first month of tuition free
  • Start 800+ hours of rigorous web development coursework
  • Take on topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.JS, React, and Ruby on Rails
  • Learn online and at your own pace with a curated community of students
  • Build a portfolio
  • Get help when you need it, 24/7

After one month, you can sign up for a monthly subscription of $149 USD.

The Student Developer Pack gives students free access to the best developer tools from different technology companies like Datadog, GitKraken, Travis CI, and Unreal Engine. Sign up for the pack, and start learning.

Git Merge scholarships and more


Brussels will play host to Git Merge 2017 in February, and planning is already well underway.

We're building Git Merge to be welcoming to and supportive of everyone in the vibrant Git community. To this end, 100% of conference proceeds will once again go to the Software Freedom Conservancy to protect and further FLOSS projects. We are also pleased to offer scholarships as part of our commitment to accessibility and inclusion at GitHub events and to bring Git Merge to a wider audience.

The Git Merge scholarships consist of a number of discounted student tickets and complimentary tickets for people from currently underrepresented groups in tech. We reserve 10% of tickets to all of our events for scholarships and distribute them through partner organizations in the area serving technologists from underrepresented groups. The Git Merge 2017 partners are Rails Girls Belgium, part of the global Rails Girls movement for women in tech, and Operation Code which supports military veterans and their families learning to code.

Finally, for the first time, we are taking individual applications for scholarship tickets through the Travis Foundation's Diversity Tickets program which makes it easier for events of any size anywhere in the world to reach a more diverse audience. Applications close on January 13th, so there's still time to apply and spread the word!

Bug Bounty anniversary promotion: bigger bounties in January and February

Extra payouts for GitHub Bug Bounty Third Year Anniversary

The GitHub Bug Bounty Program is turning three years old. To celebrate, we're offering bigger bounties for the most severe bugs found in January and February.

The bigger the bug, the bigger the prize

The process is the same as always: hackers and security researchers find and report vulnerabilities through our responsible disclosure process. To recognize the effort these researchers put forth, we reward them with actual money. Standard bounties range between $500 and $10,000 USD and are determined at our discretion, based on overall severity. In January and February we're throwing in bonus rewards for standout individual reports in addition to the usual payouts.

Bug bounty prizes are $12,000, $8,000, $5,000 on top of the usual payouts

And t-shirts obviously

In addition to cash prizes, we've also made limited edition t-shirts to thank you for helping us hunt down GitHub bugs. We don't have enough for everyone—just for the 15 submitters with the most severe bugs.

Enterprise bugs count, too

GitHub Enterprise is now included in the bounty program. So go ahead and find some Enterprise bugs. If they're big enough you'll be eligible for the promotional bounty. Otherwise, rewards are the same as ($200 to $10,000 USD). For more details, visit our bounty site.

Giving winners some extra cash doesn't mean anyone has to lose. If you find a bug, you'll still receive the standard bounties.

Happy hunting!

Visualize your project's community

A new graph is available in the Graphs tab to visualize your repository's data. With the dependents graph, you can now explore how repositories that contain Ruby gems relate to other repositories on GitHub.

If you're an open source maintainer, this means you can find out more about the community connected to your project in addition to projects that depend on your repository and its forks.

Screenshot of dependents page

The page starts with a list of the latest repositories to depend on your repository, making it easier to discover the newest members of your community. It also allows you to filter by either packages, which are other repositories that are gems, or applications, which are other public repositories that aren't gems themselves but use your gem.

The dependency graph works for Ruby gems today, and we plan to expand support to other package ecosystems in the future. For more on what graphs can tell you about your project, check out our Help guide on Graphs.

Search commit messages

You can now search for commits from either the main search page or within a repository. Quickly discover who removed set -e or find commits that involved refactoring.

Commit search

Check out the GitHub Help documentation for more information on how to search commits.

Save the date: GitHub Universe 2017

GitHub Universe September 2016

GitHub Universe returns in 2017, and we already have some surprises in store for you. Mark your calendars for October 10-12, 2017 at Pier 70 in San Francisco.

Super Early Bird Tickets available now

We're releasing a limited amount of tickets at a super early bird price of $199 USD. There are only 100 tickets available, so make sure to snag yours before they run out.

Audience at GitHub Universe

GitHub Universe is the three-day event for people making the future of software. Immerse yourself in creativity and curiosity with the largest software community in the world. The event is packed with advanced training, deep dives on open source projects, keynotes from industry experts, and a look into successful software teams.

Check out the videos from 2016 at
