Melanie Bourke of Dexus Property finds balance with yoga

Melanie Bourke has been doing yoga for three years.
Melanie Bourke has been doing yoga for three years. Supplied

After a yoga session, Dexus senior manager Melanie Bourke feels calmer and more focused, and she performs better at work. She answers our Time Out Q&A.;

How did you get into yoga and how long have you been practising it?

About three years ago, I realised that I was doing lots of running and needed to balance it with stretching and strengthening exercises. At first, I didn't think it was for me. I wanted to rush through the class and move onto the next thing. After a month or so, I started to see the physical benefits (I could touch my toes) and it started to make a lot more sense.

Kind of yoga

I do vinyasa yoga to get a workout and yin yoga to relax. Vinyasa is a style of yoga that focuses on moving with your breath. It can be very athletic and requires focus to co-ordinate your breathing with your movement. Yin is much slower and the postures are held for longer. I always sleep well after a yin class.

Class or at home, and how often do you practise?

I practise at Flow Athletic studio in Paddington most of the time and occasionally at home. I like to practise at least three times a week if I can and going to the studio helps me to leave whatever has happened during the day outside the studio.

Guru or favourite teacher

Flow Athletic has a really beautiful studio and great teachers. My two favourites are Kate Kendall and Emily Johnson.

Do you feel different compared with when you started?

Absolutely. I am stronger and have experienced fewer injuries since practising regularly. I have also found my mind is calmer and more focused, and this really helps me to perform better at work.

Favourite pose

I love any inversion pose. These (upside down) postures are fun and have lots of benefits such as improving circulation and, depending on the posture, can be either energising or relaxing. They also help you to stay humble (I am constantly falling out of these poses) and to realise there is always something new to learn.

Least favourite pose

I have a love/hate relationship with pigeon pose. It takes a while to get into, but once there it's very satisfying.

Poses you can't manage

Cow face pose is one of these. My body is just not built to do it.

What about the spiritual aspects of yoga or do you treat it as purely physical?

When I started practising it was all about the physical benefits but I have experienced many non-physical benefits as well. I wouldn't really call them spiritual. Yoga promotes mindfulness, gratitude and being present, which you can take into your daily life.

Tell us about your most memorable yoga experience

It was the first time I successfully did an arm balance. It was a huge achievement for me at the time. My next goal is to be able to do a handstand.

Most exotic/oddest place you've done yoga

Aro Ha, a wellness retreat in Queenstown, New Zealand. This place is magical and the view from the studio is spectacular. The highlight for me was yoga every morning followed by a delicious breakfast and hiking.

Injuries and other frustrations

Luckily I have not had any injuries yet. I think yoga teaches you to look after your body and mind. I have also learnt that sleep is a wonderful healer.

Tips to become a better yogi

Find a studio and teacher you love. Accept that you will have good days and bad, and most importantly don't take it too seriously. Just have fun.

Most like to do yoga with

Kate Hudson. She is very fit and I like her attitude to health and fitness.

Favourite yoga gear

My yoga wardrobe consists mostly of Lululemon and Nike.

Anything about yoga you don't like

I get impatient with certain postures that I would like to be better at, but yoga forces you to have patience and listen to your body.

Most love about it

It is a great contrast to my work day. I love that there is always something new to learn in yoga and that it's something I can continue to practise when I am much older.