APRA data shows super fund cash crisis

APRA deputy chairman Helen Rowell  needs to pressure poorly performing super funds to merge with a stronger partner.
APRA deputy chairman Helen Rowell needs to pressure poorly performing super funds to merge with a stronger partner. David Rowe

An official report showing that about 45 per cent of the largest superannuation funds in Australia had negative member cash flows in fiscal 2016 poses a big challenge for the prudential regulator's deputy chairman, Helen Rowell.

It is time that Rowell turned up the heat on the directors of super fund trustee boards to force them to do the right thing by their beneficiaries.

Doing the right thing involves trustees moving quickly to find a financially stronger merger partner with positive cash flows.

In many cases this will mean trustees putting themselves out of jobs that pay $70,000 to $100,000 a year. But the alternative is a downward spiral that will harm the interests of super fund members.

The report released by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority on Wednesday is called the Annual Fund-level Superannuation Statistics. It contains detailed information on the top 200 APRA-regulated funds with more than four members.

The data includes the profile and structure of each fund, its financial performance and financial position, the costs of running each fund and the fees paid to investment managers.

Super fund aficionados will enjoy poring over the 13 tables of Excel spreadsheets, which include a breakdown of membership, including demographic information on the members of each fund and the amounts of money saved by different age groups.

But the data that Rowell needs to focus on is the net outflow ratio. This is the ratio of net cash outflows to cash inflows.

Outflows are a combination of lump sum benefits paid, pension benefits paid and outward rollovers. Inflows are a combination of inward rollovers, employer contributions and member contributions less contribution taxes and the government surcharge.

In the year to June 2016, about 77 super funds out of the 175 funds that disclose information on cash flows had a net outflow ratio in excess of 100 per cent.

There are a number of consequences flowing from a fund having negative net member cash flows.

First, costs will rise because as a fund gets smaller the investment fees will increase. It is also highly likely that administration costs will increase as a fund shrinks.

Second, funds that are shrinking must cut costs. That would mostly result in lower budgets for marketing and promotion. A public offer fund unable to update its website and promote itself will not be able to pull in new members.

The third and most important issue facing the trustees of super funds with negative cash flows is in relation to investment strategy.

Funds that are shrinking or needing to use capital to pay pension and lump sum obligations to members must adopt conservative investment strategies with high levels of liquidity.

Holding higher levels of total fund assets in cash is not conducive to earning real rates of return.

History shows that the top performing super funds in Australia have had relatively high levels of exposure to illiquid assets such as infrastructure and alternatives, including private equity.

There are obvious consequences from a fund consistently delivering rates of return that are below inflation or low relative to the high-profile industry leading funds.

It is already apparent that Australians have twigged to the need to get out of funds with negative cash flows and get with the strength.

The top 10 super funds in Australia account for about 80 per cent of total industry-wide cash flows.

It is not difficult to construct a scenario whereby a fund with negative cash flows over several years enters into a steep downward spiral.

Its negative cash flows lead to lower returns. That then leads to an increase in member departures that exacerbates the existing liquidity problems.

The victims in this scenario are the members who, through ignorance or complacency, stay in the fund until its death.

Analysis of the 77 funds with negative cash flows shows several common features. Many have management expense ratios at the higher end of the range.

Some have high levels of investment management fees, which is out of whack with the vanilla approach to strategic asset allocation.

Rowell spoke about the issue of negative cash flows at industry conferences several times last year. Some of her strongest comments were in a speech delivered in April.

"Being cash flow negative or having declining net assets has potentially significant implications for the future strategy and viability of any fund," she said.

"This is a critical issue that is probably not getting the attention that it should across the industry as a whole."

Rowell said one of the drivers of the upward trend in cash outflows was the continued increase in total benefit payments.

"There is also a clear [albeit relatively slow] trend towards pension benefit payments and away from lump sum benefit payments," she said.

"These trends can be expected to continue as the age profile of members in many funds also increases and hence an increasing proportion of members reach the post-retirement phase."

Earlier this week, APRA's general manager for the south-west region, Stephen Glenfield, was asked at a conference about the cash outflow problem, according to some who attended the conference.

Glenfield allegedly said the cash outflow figure was only one of a series of factors that APRA looked at when assessing the performance of super funds and their compliance with the prudential framework.

Glenfield said APRA did not look at cash outflows in isolation from other factors.

Factors that mitigate against negative cash flows include the investment returns achieved by a fund. APRA apparently places a lot of importance on the net earnings of each fund, which is often positive for funds with negative cash flow.

But any business operating with negative cash flow could not do so for an extended period.

Michael Rice, who is chief executive of actuarial consulting firm Rice Warner, says APRA would be well aware of the super funds that should be moving towards mergers with other funds.

He says all APRA-regulated funds had to lodge a three-year business plan with the regulator three years ago. Rice reckons just about every fund that lodged a business plan would have forecast increased membership over the three-year period.

It is now possible to check those plans against the outcomes and take action against those funds that have failed to meet their objectives.

APRA officials operate under strict confidentiality provisions so we will never know if it is telling trustees to act in the interests of members. It would seem now is the time to act given that many of the funds with negative cash flows are repeat offenders.

It is worth noting that the not-for-profit super funds are in the minority when it comes to negative cash flow. That is a function of their favourable cash flow arrangements through industrial agreements that guarantee them new members and increased cash flow.

In other words, Rowell should be waving the big regulatory stick at the for-profit super sector.

Another worrying set of data in the report published by APRA is in relation to the long-term returns achieved by the largest super funds. At least a quarter of them failed to achieve a return better than inflation over the 10 years to June 2016.

That is a concern given that most would have targets of CPI plus 4 per cent.