@KerriSackville is blocked

Are you sure you want to view these Tweets? Viewing Tweets won't unblock @KerriSackville.

  1. Tonight's light, healthy dinner: a simple green salad. (This one came decorated with a steak,…

  2. The most exciting part of my summer holidays is wondering whether the ancient ceiling fan will…

  3. 2016 claims it's latest victim. My heart is broken.

  4. It all makes sense now...

  5. A huge thank you to the dozens of you who offered book recommendations on my FB page. Here are…

  6. As a high profile* fashion icon*, I am frequently* asked what sized Pom Poms are appropriate for…

  7. I have not stayed awake in a kids' movie since 2007. In preparation for 'Sing', I had a nap at…

  8. "It's so hard to love, There's so much to hate. Hang on to hope, When there is no hope to speak…

  9. We forgot to bring our Chanukiah to the coast so my supremely clever daughter knocked this one…

  10. This post is made by Kerri's daughter, me. Here's what she looks like behind the scenes. Let's…

  11. Day 2 of my Magnum Cleanse and I am experiencing unexpected health benefits. I am sleeping…

  12. When you let your mother cut your fringe after you've both had a glass of wine and you hear a…

  13. Every holiday period the children and I focus on health and well being. Today we are doing a…

  14. No, I'm not going to eat them ALL.... .... at once. I will eat them slowly. Over the course…

  15. The SMH gave this *dessert* a great write up. If chickpea and sorrel is a 'dessert' then I am a…

  16. On the coast with four teens, one 9yo, my parents, and much wine. I like the wine. I'm not…

  17. Narrator speaks the truth (via mytherapistsays)

  18. This blue spiky massage ball just may be the great love of my life.

  19. My friend @robinriedstra wrote this book. It will be instantly familiar to anyone who has had…

  20. Just caught up with my gorgeous, stupidly talented friend Kylie but we forgot to take a selfie…

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