Dems push to postpone vote on health secretary

Dems push to postpone vote on health secretary
© Victoria Sarno Jordan

Senate Democrats want to delay a vote on the nomination of President Trump's pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services amid ethics concerns. 

The Senate Finance Committee is slated to vote on the nomination of Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) Tuesday morning, but four Democrats are urging a pause because of "serious concerns" about "outstanding and significant questions about [Price's] qualifications and ethical conduct."

Democratic Sens. Patty MurrayPatty MurrayDems push to postpone vote on health secretary Senators move to nix Trump's ban on funding NGOs that provide abortions DeVos doesn’t know the ABCs of public education MORE, Al FrankenAl FrankenDems push to postpone vote on health secretary Week ahead: Reg rollback gets underway | Senate presses ahead on Cabinet nominees | Fed meeting on interest rates Dems grab spotlight at confirmation hearings MORE, Tammy BaldwinTammy BaldwinDems push to postpone vote on health secretary Overnight Defense: Pentagon chief working to exempt Iraqis from Trump order Senate Dems introduce bill to block Trump's immigration order MORE and Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth WarrenWarren to GOP: 'Where are you' on Trump's refugee order? Senate Dems launch talkathon on Trump's refugee order Dems push to postpone vote on health secretary MORE asked in a letter to Senate leadership that the vote be postponed until Price answers questions about his financial investments.

All four sit on the Senate's Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP), which questioned Price earlier this month. 

"A vote has been scheduled to advance Rep. Price's nomination even though he has not responded to questions submitted by members of the HELP Committee following his January 18 testimony, and in spite of serious concerns regarding Rep. Price's financial investments," reads the letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnellMitch McConnellWarren to GOP: 'Where are you' on Trump's refugee order? Trump’s Supreme Court fight targets red-state Dems Senate Dems launch talkathon on Trump's refugee order MORE and Senate Finance Chairman Orrin HatchOrrin HatchDems push to postpone vote on health secretary Overnight Finance: Trump signs '2-for-1' order to cut regs | Dems block vote on Treasury pick | Trump vows to do a 'big number' on Dodd-Frank Senate Democrats block vote on Trump Treasury pick MORE
Price should also "and has provided documents sought in connection with his inappropriate and potentially illegal investment activities," the letter said. 
It's unlikely that Republicans will move to delay the vote. Hatch last week dismissed questions about Price's stock holdings as "grossly exaggerated" and "distorted." 
The letter follows another report out Monday detailing Price's alleged conflicts of interests.
The Wall Street Journal reported that Price was part of an exclusive group that was able to buy stock in a biotech company at a discount.

Price was among fewer than 20 people that received a 12 percent discount on shares of Innate Immunotherapeutics.

The company's statement appears to contradict Price’s testimony to the Senate Finance Committee last week, when he said that the discounted shares “were available to every single individual that was an investor at the time.” 

Senate Democrats have raised questions about Price’s trading of medical stocks while a member of Congress, in particular the purchase of the biotech shares.

Price has said he bought the stock after discussing it with Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.), a member of the company’s board. Democrats say that could violate the STOCK Act, which prevents lawmakers from trading on congressional information.  

Senate Democrats have called for the ethics office and the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate whether Price broke the law. 

Republicans have dismissed questions about Price’s stock trading and appear to remain firmly behind his nomination. 

It seems Price could be confirmed strictly on party lines. Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) formally announced Monday that he would oppose Price, and not a single Democrat has publicly backed the nominee.

Sen. Ron WydenRon WydenDems push to postpone vote on health secretary Senate Democrats block vote on Trump Treasury pick Intel Committee Dems to Trump: Read torture report MORE, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, said late Monday that he would vote against Price's nomination Tuesday. 

Wyden said Price "seriously misled" the public about his background. 

“I cannot support nominees who treat disclosures like shell games and ethics laws like mere suggestions," Wyden said in a statement. 

Wyden declined to tell reporters Monday how the other 11 Democrats on the committee would vote. 

"Let's put it this way: I have been talking all weekend with Finance Democrats. Certainly, there's very significant concern on these issues."