Top Dems skipping White House Supreme Court roll out
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Top Senate Democrats are planning to skip President Trump's high-profile unveiling on Tuesday night of his Supreme Court nominee.
Sen. Dick DurbinDick DurbinDems in bind over Trump court pick Trump to McConnell: Go nuclear if necessary Sessions approved by Senate committee MORE (Ill.), the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, said he wouldn't attend the White House's prime-time event because it wasn't an "appropriate roll out" for a pick.
"I don't want to be standing there tonight in the crowd when they pull back the curtain and say here's your nominee," he told reporters. "Let's do this in an orderly fashion."
Durbin is a member of the Judiciary Committee, which will be responsible for vetting and green lighting Trump's pick.
Trump is expected to name his nominee on Tuesday evening at the White House, with two candidates brought to Washington, D.C., making the appearance that either could be chosen.
Vice President Pence reportedly invited GOP lawmakers to attend the event during a closed-door lunch.
Trump's pick will likely kick off a high-stakes fight in the Senate, where some Democrats are already pledging to filibuster any nominee they don't support.
Durbin stressed earlier Tuesday that it was "too soon" for Democrats to issue a blanket pledge to fight a nominee without knowing who it is.
Republicans hold 52 seats in the Senate. To defeat a filibuster, they would need eight Democrats to cross party lines.
Asked if the threat that Republicans could go "nuclear" and get rid of the 60-vote threshold for Supreme Court nominees impacted his thinking, Durbin added "of course."
Under a 2013 decision by Democrats — led by then-Majority Leader Harry ReidHarry ReidManchin: Trump's Supreme Court pick needs 60 votes Hillary Clinton to deliver commencement speech at alma mater Democrats could show they learned from ObamaCare by voting for Price MORE (D-Nev.) — the threshold for most nominations was lowered to a simple majority, but left in place for the Supreme Court.
Sen. Ted CruzTed CruzLiberal groups fundraise off Supreme Court fight Franken slams Cruz for ‘trying to impugn’ his record The Hill's 12:30 Report MORE (R-Texas) is publicly flirting with getting rid of the 60-vote requirement for high court nominations if Democrats block Trump's nominee, but Majority Leader Mitch McConnellMitch McConnellDems in bind over Trump court pick Red-state Democrats grapple with Gorsuch Manchin: Trump's Supreme Court pick needs 60 votes MORE (R-Ky.) has repeatedly signaled he does not want to take that step.