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Dental costs for your suburb revealed - save yourself hundreds by shopping around

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The cost of a simple dental check-up and clean can vary by up to $300 for dentists in the same electorate, a new analysis reveals.

Dentists in Melbourne's wealthiest suburbs charge up to $500 for an oral examination, clean and a couple of X-rays.

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The same service costs as little as $160 in other suburbs – showing that massive savings can be made by consumers if they shop around.

My Tooth Fairy, a dental price comparison start-up, surveyed more than 700 dentists across Melbourne about their fees for a basic check-up, simple clean and two mouth X-rays.

The results show a huge difference in fees for the same services, even among nearby dentists.


The cheapest fee, $160, was charged by a dentist in Jagajaga in Melbourne's outer east.

The same treatment would cost $500 at the most expensive dentist surveyed – in Higgins, an electorate that covers Melbourne's wealthy inner suburbs including Toorak.

But the differences within electorates were stark as well. In Melbourne Ports the cheapest service offered cost $200; the most expensive $500.

"Some clinics in the same area were charging double others for identical services," Toby Chen, My Tooth Fairy's founder said.

Across the 26 metro electorates surveyed the average price difference between minimum and maximum fees was $129.

An analysis of My Tooth Fairy's numbers show dental fees increase steeply when house values rise – suggesting people living in wealthier neighbourhoods may be able to get a better deal by going to a dentist in another suburb.

Source: My Tooth Fairy, Domain Group chief economist Andrew Wilson

Unlike doctors, whose prices are largely regulated by Medicare, there are no set fees and charges for dental treatment. Dentists set their prices as any business would, Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch president Dr Andrew Gikas​ said.

"It's just normal market forces. Most people would set their fees based on what their costs are. It is a business in the end of the day."

So how much should you pay for a dental visit?

Federal government data puts the average cost of a check-up, clean and X-rays for privately insured patients at $208.83.

Customers shopping around should expect to pay no more than $150, Mr Chen said. In addition customers should consider asking for an orthopantomogram when their dentist suggests a bitewing X-ray. This service can be bulk-billed, Mr Chen said.

Dental fees are a significant barrier to regular oral health check-ups for many, and in turn a significant  barrier to reducing Australia's overall oral health burden. Low-income workers face significant problems – they don't qualify for a subsidy from the government, but the cost of dentistry still represents a big burden.

Because low-income earners cannot afford simple check-ups, when they do go to the dentist they are more likely to have to get expensive and extensive work done, a government report found.

Nearly half of adults between 25 and 44 actively avoid or delay visiting a dentist because of the cost, an Australian Institute of Health and Welfare survey found. That figure is on the rise.

But consensus has changed about just how often you need to go to the dentist,  the Victorian dental association's Dr Gikas said.

Previously people were advised to go to the dentist for a check-up every six-months. Studies have found that's only really necessary  for high-risk patients, Dr Gikas said.

"If they have severe gum disease, they need to see a dentist every three months. A person with a good diet, really clean their teeth well, they might not have to see a dentist every two years."

My Tooth Fairy allows customers to compare the cost of dentists near them. The service is free but eventually Mr Chen plans to charge a commission when a customer calls a recommended clinic.