
Latest Athletics News

Coe email raises doping questions

President of the IAAF, Sebastian Coe.

An email by IAAF president Sebastian Coe, apparently showing he was aware of an alleged Russian doping scandal, has raised the question of whether he misled a British parliamentary committee.

Clement and Beyonce, Nitro's star power

Run the World: Olympic gold medallist Kerron Clement is ready to bring the entertainment to the Nitro athletics meet.

From Beyonce to Rio, Olympic gold medallist and dancer Kerron Clement is the perfect athlete entertainer to complement Usain Bolt in Nitro on Saturday night.

A cure for Rubie's loneliness: moving away from home

Golden: Anneliese Rubie has lofty ambitions in the 800m.

Anneliese Rubie was getting lonely. Having joined forces with Melbourne-based coach Peter Fortune at the end of 2014, they had initially decided it was best for the 400m runner to stay in Sydney as she finished her arts degree at Sydney University.

Jack in awe of Bolt

Excited: Jack Hale is a big fan of Usain Bolt.

Jack Hale is now competing against men, but never does he sound more like a boy than when being asked about Usain Bolt.

Carter set to appeal against failed drug test

Jamaica's Nesta Carter is set to appeal failed drugs test from the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Jamaican sprinter Nesta Carter is set to appeal against his failed drug test which cost him and his 4 x 100m relay teammates, including Usain Bolt, their 2008 Beijing Games gold medal.

Caster Semenya shares photos from her wedding

Olympic gold medallist  Caster Semenya.

South African Olympic gold medallist runner Caster Semenya - who found herself at the centre of a row over her gender - has posted pics of her white wedding to long-time girlfriend Violet Raseboya.