Melbourne's turn as Rupert Murdoch visits The Hun

Turning his attention to the Melbourne operation ... Rupert Murdoch continues his grand Aussie tour.
Turning his attention to the Melbourne operation ... Rupert Murdoch continues his grand Aussie tour. Christopher Pearce

It was Melbourne's turn on Wednesday to roll out the Rupe carpet and welcome a rolled-gold, home-grown international media mogul.

Rupert Murdoch's Gulfstream steamed out of Sydney just before 9am and touched down soon after in Melbourne as Rupe made a bee-line for Southbank and the Herald and Weekly Times.

The editorial floor of the Herald Sun was said to be on high alert in anticipation of their fearless leader's arrival. Not least because his son and heir-apparent, Lachlan's private jet had also flown in to Melbourne on Tuesday night.

Two for the price of one! Egads! The troops would have been beside themselves.

Rupe followed up his morning of terrifying the troops with a heavy-hitter's lunch in the company of Mrs Murdoch herself, Jerry Hall and the Murdoch Jnrs, Lachlan and Sarah. The occasion: the 30th anniversary of the Murdoch Children's Research Institute - one of the world's leading children's health research facilities. An event immortalised on King of The Box Anthony Pratt's Instagram (with a birthday shout out to his mum and dining companion, Jeanne Pratt.) Others breaking bread at the MCRI lunch (and caught in Pratt's iPhone lens) were Ros Packer, Quentin Bryce and the GG himself, Peter Cosgrove.

He's good at this social photography stuff, our Anthony. He ought to consider a career as a paparazzo.