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Latest in Greek Radio

The latest news in the community and abroad.

The president of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Bill Papastergiadis speaks to Dina Gerolymou about the Special General Meeting which will take...
Believe or not but real estate in Adelaide, capital city of South Australia, is more expensive than Maimi or New York. Theodora Maios tells all. She speaks with...
A federal judge in Seattle on Friday granted a nationwide temporary restraining order blocking US President Donald Trump's recent executive order barring...

Summer Cinema is on!

In Hellenic Museum's backyard, Melburnians will have the ultimate chance to watch five classic Greek films and experience a night out in one of the few open-air...
US President Donald Trump says he will see what happens with the deal with Australia to resettle refugees, adding that the US has to honour deals made by previous...
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Editor’s Pick

Stories you shouldn't miss!

This week in Australia commenced the first term of the new school year. We, the Greek Program of SBS Radio, throughout the year, but especially this time every year,...
Just a  few hours after his appointment as Industry, Innovation and Science minister, Arthur Sinodinos spoke to SBS Radio’s Greek Program, where he promised...
In the innermost chamber of the site said to be the tomb of Jesus, a restoration team has peeled away a marble layer for the first time in centuries in an effort...
The recent decision of the Turkish government to change the temporary use of Agia Sophia from a museum to a religious place of worship during Ramadan, cause major...
Refugees is an issue facing Greece and Europe more broadly and can't be dissociated from the general issue of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalist believes...