Bibliography 1995-2005

Fifth Estate Issues 346-369


 Incomplete (ProQuest source is incomplete)


 “100th anniversary of the automobile:  Kill the Car–No More Roads!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 4.

“35 Arrests at Windsor OAS Protests.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 3.

“A call for support.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 2.

“A First-Hand Report on the Anti-G8 VAAAG:  Alternative Anticapitalist and Antiwar Village.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 14.

“Activists Indicted by Feds in Arizona Hunt Sabotage.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 58.

“Against Civilization:  Introduction to Russell Means.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 28.

“AIDS:  Sex in the Safe.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 49.

“Alfredo Monros.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 10.

“America as prison:  maximum security on the inside, minimum security on the outside; Dispatch from ‘Free’.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 39.

“AN ANTI-STATIST OUTLOOK:  A New (Jewish) Fascism and its Opposition.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 25.

“An Introduction to Race and Culture.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 22.

“Anarchist Bookstores Burned.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 5.

“Anarchist News From The Czech Republic.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 22.

“Anarchist People of Color to Gather in Detroit.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 45.

“Anarchist Prisoner Legal Action Network Formed.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 21.

“Anarchists gather everywhere.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 14.

“Animal Revolt.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 26.

“ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 1.

“Anti-capitalist then, now, & forever.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 2.

“Anti-War Momentum Builds.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 5.

“Authorities Attack the Raleigh 3; The anarchist-led demonstrators defiantly marched to the state Republican headquarters carrying a banner, reading, “Fuck Bush; Fuck Kerry; We Need A Revolution.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 56.

“Background on Stoney Point.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 1.

“Black and Red Press keeps Gutenberg and Lenin in their Graves.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 42.

“Blood and Soil Ideologies.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 39.

“Burn All Flags!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 2.

“Burn All Flags.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 46.

“Call to Action Mountain Justice Summer Appalachia Summer 2005; Stop

Mountaintop Removal.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 63.

“Chumba Soaks Brit Deputy PM.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 4.

“CNT Debates Membership for Nigeria’s Awareness League.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 23.

“Cops, Press, Politicians:  Pulling Out All the Stops to Kill Mumia.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 3.

“Cove/Mallard Blockade.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 2.

“Czech Anarchist Charged with Attempted Murder.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 31.

“Czech Squat Evicted.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 15.

“days hopeful & radiant.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 13.

“Death Penalty Cases Riddled with Errors.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 3.

“Defense of Prague’s Ladronka Squat Continues.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 22.

“Demonstrations against the Pope in Poland and the Czech Republic.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 14.

“DETROIT SEEN.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 4.

“DETROIT SEEN.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 4.

“Detroit Seen.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 4.

“Detroit Seen.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 3.

“Detroit Seen.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 6.

“DETROIT SEEN.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 4.

“Detroit Seen.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 7.

“DETROIT SEEN.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 4.

“DETROIT SEEN.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 6.

“Detroit Seen:  FE Celebrates 30 Years.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 4.

“DETROIT SEEN:  GOOD NEWS & BAD NEWS.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 2.

“Dispatch from ‘Free’ Eco-Defense Political Prisoner speaks out about the release of co-defendant Critter.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 61.

“Eco-Anarchists penetrated Czech Nuclear Power Plant.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 15.

“Empire Flounders in Iraq.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 5.

“”Every fire needs a little bit of help”; San Diego ELFs Burn Down Construction Site.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 18.

“Execution Date Set For Mumia Abu-Jamal:  Pennsylvania Governor Acts To Condemn Activist As His Appeal Is Filed & His Book Is Released.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 3.

“Execution Of An Anarchist.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 19.

“FBI Lab Scandal Adds Fuel to Charges of Agency Complicity in Earth First!  Bomb Case.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 5.

“Fifth Estate Tool of the Year:  The Sledge-Hammer.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 29.

“Fight or Walk:  Anarchists Organize “No Fare” Days in the Chicago Transit Fare Strike.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 57.

“Fight the empire, not its wars:  A Call to Action.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 3.

“Ford Turns One Hundred and; Car Culture Keeps Killing.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 9.

“Free Rob Los Ricos:  The State Takes Its Vengeance for Riot In Eugene.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 19.

“From Russia With Love:  Clinton’s Penis Attacks Hussein.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 3.

“Geronimo Freed.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 2.

“GI Resister Speaks Out at Fifth Estate Benefit.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 60.

“Giving up the gun fetish.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 21.

“Is Destruction of Private Property Violence?  A communique from one section of the black bloc of N30 in Seattle.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 10.

“Israel and the Death Squad Dictatorships:  Best Friends.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 10.

“ISRAEL:  The U.S. in Miniature; The Mythology of Israel.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 21.

“Judi Bari Lives!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 4.

“Kill every man, woman, child, dog and cat in the village.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 15.

“Killer Cop’s Appeal Fails.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 6.

“Leon F.  Czolgosz.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 12.

“Looking Back on the Vietnam War:  History & Forgetting.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 12.

“Love & Rage Implodes.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 18.

“Luddism Begins at Home:  Random Meditations on Overcoming the Media Trance.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 29.

“McLibel Trial Continues:  Demos Mark Junk Food King’s 40th Birthday.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 25.

“Mumia Appeal At Critical Phase.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 2.

“Mumia re-examines history of the Black Panther Party.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 38.

“Mumia Saved From The Electric Chair:  But Still In Danger of Execution.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 5.

“Music as Revolution.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 20.

“National Coal takes Katuah Earth First!  to Court.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 62.

“Neither their war, nor their peace.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 10.

“New Execution Date Near For Mumia Abu-Jamal:  Stop This Legal Lynching.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 31.

“No more Chernobyls!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 15.

“Not Our Troops; Not Our Flag; Not Our Empire.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 3.

“ON HAVING NOTHING TO SAY.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 16.

“Organic Cuba:  farming & politics.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 16.

“‘Partial’ Victory for McLibel Two.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 2.

“Paul Watson Freed.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 2.

“Paul Watson held for “Crimes” on High Seas.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 23.

“Police Hunt Poo Protesters.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 59.

“Polish anarchists free in Chechnya.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 14.

“Political Prisoner Update.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 11.

“Protesters Resist the Bush Coronation.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 58.

“Pura Arcos 1919-1995:  “She never stopped thinking, questioning, and learning.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 4.

“Reconsidering Primitivism, Technology, & the Wild.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 17.

“Renew the Earthly Paradise.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 36.

“Resistance is possible.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 12.

“Riots in Poland.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 14.

“Russian Police Attack Anarchists.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 31.

“SELECTING A MASTER OR OUSTING A TYRANT.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 15.

“Sex and Pleasure Activism.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 14.

“SOVEREIGNTY & the STATE; Not Another Iraq Editorial!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 6.

“State Jails Anarchist Webmaster.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 3.

“STOP THE EXECUTION OF MUMIA ABU-JAMAL!  Pennsylvania Governor expected to set May death date.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 1.

“SUPPORT the TROOPS in REVOLUTIONARY DEFEAT.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 64.

“Tales From The Planet.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 2.

“TAZ, the Album:  Subversive Act or Active Sell-out?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 22.

“The Final Solution.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 16.

“The Last FE as CAPITALIST ENTERPRISE.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 14.  “The Left and Sexual Repression.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 15.

“The Ray Charles Riots.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 31.

“The Rising of the Women; Women’s Issue; March 4-17, 1971.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 13.

“The social peace is over; A Thousand “Have-Nots” Storm Montreal Elite Hotel.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 11.

“The Wobblies Are Back!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 60.

“The World Says No to War:  Millions Join a Global Movement.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 3.

“The Year 2000 For Revolutionaries:  Destroy Market Capitalism In Six Easy Steps.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 11.

“There’s an “A” under the circle, but if it showed, it would be banned from many prisons!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 7.

“Tlanlnepantla declares autonomy.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 11.

“Traveler Homestead Defends Against Cops in Britain.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 10.

“Unabomber Cops A Plea.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 2.

“Undeterred by jail, Bay Area pie throwers strike again.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 17.

“UP AGAINST THE WALL.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 14.

“Valerio Isca.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 10.

“Victory for the Gandalf Three.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 6.

“War is Shit:  Military Recruiting Office Vandalized.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 59.

“Water Activists Face Repression.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 12.

“We Get A Computer and Hate It!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 18.

“Welcome to the fourth Fifth Estate of 2002!!  ” Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/ 03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 2.

“Words of love, words of war:  Days of War, Nights of Love; Crimethink for Beginners; Harbinger (of a new dawn) donation.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 29.

“Would You Let This Man Stand In The Way Of Your Bottom Line?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 14.

“Zimbabwe Attacks Gays.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 23.


Albert, Michael “On Trashing & Movement Building.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 10.

Alston, Ashanti “One Journey into and out of the Anarchist…Black!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 26.

Antlif, Allan and Mark “SEXUAL ANARCHY:  The Monument to Oscar Wilde.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 15.

Antliff, Allan “1918:  russian artists of the ANARCHIST REVOLUTION.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 10.

Antliff, Allan “Anarchy in Toronto.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 17.

Antliff, Allan “Anarchy, Neo-Impressionism, and Utopia:  The Wandering of Humanity.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 9.

Antliff, Allan “Freedom, Individualism, Revolution:  Courbet, Zola, Proudhon and Artistic Anarchism.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 11.

Antliff, Allan “Herbert Read’s Surrealism.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul.  2002, 11.

Antliff, Allan “Money Lures:  Richard Mock’s Sculptures Hang in the Halls of Capital’s Temples.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 18.

Antliff, Allan “Punching Holes In Russian Capitalism:  Seeds of the 1917 Revolution Are Sprouting Again.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 17.

Antliff, Allan “The Life of Guy Debord:  A History.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 19.

Antliff, Allan “Theory into Action:  Toronto’s Anarchist Free School.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 18.

Apollo “Electronic Dance Music & Social Liberation; Sacred Sweet Wicked Ecstasy.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 22.

Aranki, Gina “Getting beyond grape leaves:  Arab-American women tell their stories.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 25.

Arcos, Federico “Letter to a Friend.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 45.

Arcos, Federico “Our Fallen Comrades:  Francisco Rebordosa 1918-1998.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 8.

Avrich, Paul “Attilio Bortolotti:  1903-1995; He Lived for the Ideal.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 7.

Bell, James John “The Hungry Sheep Look Up And Are Not Fed.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 17.

Beni “Grass-Roots Socialism:  Almost Anarchism.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 29.

Beni “Margaret Sanger:  Anarchy & the Early Birth Control Movement.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 14.

Besser, Howard “Richard “Tet” Tetenbaum.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 12.

Bey, Hakim “Tectum Theatrum.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 30.

Biddle, Erika “Need A Date?  Get An Anarchist Calendar.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 44.

Blank, Bill “CIA Interrogation Techniques Revealed.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 23.

Blank, BIll “Introduction to radical education…”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 12.

Blurton, Rob “CLAMPDOWN!  REPRESSION OF DISSENT IN AMERICA DURING WORLD WAR I.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 18.

Blurton, Rob “GI RESISTANCE IN THE VIETNAM ERA:  MUTINY AT THE OUTPOSTS OF EMPIRE.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 18.

Bonobo, Anu “It’s the end of the world & I don’t feel fine.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 49.

Bonobo, Anu “Leftism, nihilism, and the anarchy I seek:  A review essay of some current propaganda.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 52.

Bonobo, Anu “Plan Wellstone:  Conspiracy, Complicity, and the left.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 36.

Bonobo, Anu “the communalism of desire.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 26.

Bonobo, Anu, Watson, David “Life in the Kali Yuga:  Civilization as Tsunami.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 54.

Bonobo, Huevo “Community, Kids, Celebrations, & Resistance at the A.C.R.C.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 8.

Bonobo, Pono “Instead of a Primer:  on isms, schisms, & anarchisms.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 39.

Boyer, William “From Angels Leaving Sepsis.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 30.

Boyer, William “STUMBLING UPON PUBLIC SCHOOL UTOPIAS:  TALES FROM TWO FRONT LINES.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 22.

Boyer, William “the Detroit Blackout; Power without Power.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 5.

Boyer, William “Wither the Underground?  ” (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 53.

Bradford, George “1984:  Worse Than Expected?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 33.

Bradford, George “Symbolic Protest and the Nuclear State.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 32.

Bradord, George “Fredy Perlman:  An Appreciation.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 43.

Brinker, John “No Apologies from Leftist Prisoner; No Surrender:  Writings from an Anti-Imperialist Political Prisoner.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 41.

Brinker, John “Running on Emptiness:  The Pathology of Civilization, By John Zerzan.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 33.

Brinker, John, Boyer, William “Francisco Ferrer & the Free Education Movement.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 26.

Brook, Dan “Don’t Mourn–Organize!  Hundreds “Fiddle Down the FBI” on “Judi Bari Day” in Oakland.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 3.

Brown, Nutmeg, Greenhead, Ally “Ross Winn:  Digging Up a Tennessee Anarchist.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 55.

Brown, Nutmeg, Greenhead, Ally “Ross Winn:  Digging up a Tennessee Anarchist.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 41.

brush “On (anarchist) Education (in a world of many worlds).”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 20.

Cafard, Max “Bookchin Agonistes:  How Murray Bookchin’s attempts to “reenchant humanity” become a pugilistic Bacchanal.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 20.

Cafard, Max “The Dragons of Bruno:  Fredy Perlman Against History’s Leviathan.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 16.

Cafard, Max “The Tao of Capitalism:  Or, Going with the (Cash-) Flow.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 8.

Cafard, Max “Zen Anarchy.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 69.

Carryout, Ellen “How green is Green Anarchy?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 48.


An Inside Look.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 7.

Chomsky, Noam “KOSOVO:  THE EMPIRE AT WAR; The Current Bombings.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 6.

Christie, Stuart “Our Fallen Anarchist Comrades:  Albert Meltzer.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 10.

Citizen Cane “SEX, LIES, & TOURISM.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 18.

Clark, John “Kropotkin’s Ideas:  Graham Purchase, Evolution & Revolution; An Introduction to the Life and Thought of Peter Kropotkin.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 21.

Clark, John “The Tao of Anarchy:  How modern anarchism echos ancient wisdom.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 16.

Clark, John “The Utopian:  A Journal of Anarchism and Libertarian Socialism.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 15.

Claudia “RUSSIAN WOMEN:  Life In The Former Soviet Union After the Fall.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 7.

Clive, Lynne “Detroit, Demolished by Design:  Violence, Racism, and Collapse of Community.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 48.

Clive, Lynne “Introduction to “Aberration:  THE AUTOMOBILE”.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 37.

Cockburn, Alexander, St. Clair, Jeffrey “So Who Did Win in Seattle?  Liberals Rewrite History.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 12.

Cockburn, Cynthia “Being able to say neither/nor:  A letter about some of the complexities of opposition.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 7.

Codrescu, Andrei “Disarming Dead Gods:  Armageddon To Some.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 4.

Cohen, Mitchel “Glowing in the Gulf:  Drugged Soldiers & Radiation; U.S. armaments and innoculations may have caused Gulf War Syndrome.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 1.

Cohen, Mitchell “Murder In Nigeria:  Ordered by Shell & IMF, Paid for by the U.S. Government.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 15.

Davis, Mike “”The Hippie riots” & other youth rebellions.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 25.

Debs, Eugene V.  “A 1918 Anti-War Speech Sent Eugene V.  Debs to Prison; Do Today’s Activists Face the Same Threat?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 6.

Dengate, Patrick “FBI Still Stalling on EF!  Bombing Case.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 16.

Detroit, Alice “Technology:  There’s the Rub; Ken Knabb’s Public Secrets.  ” (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 20.

Dingle, Okra P.  “Printed Oddities & Human Curiosities:  Revolt at 65 mph.  ” Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 37.

Dodge, Chris “Earnest Mann.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 12.

Doebler, G.L.  “The Contest for Memory:  Haymarket Through A Revisionist Looking Glass.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 5.

Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne “The Tyranny of Democracy.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 10.

Dupuis-Deri, Francis “the strange history of the word “democracy”.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 21.

Eldritch, Palmer “Anarchist; Accidentally Asked to Lecture at Army Base.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 18.

Elliot, Karen Jr.  “MIAMI:  THE WAR COMES HOME.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 5.

Esteva, Gustavo “RECLAIMING OUR FREEDOM TO LEARN:  THE UNIVERSIDAD DE LA TIERRA.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 32.

FE collective “GI Resistance in the 21st Century; Soldiers Refute Rumsfeld and Refuse War.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 19.

Fields, Tina “Adventures with the Audubon Expedition Institute.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 36.

Filiss, John “Against the Totality:  John Zerzan’s Against Civilization.  ” (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 20.

Filiss, John “Bey Pamphlet:  let-Down from TAZ.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 23.

Finlay, David E.  “Marcos:  The Zapatistas’ Unknown Icon.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 25.

Fulano, T.  “Patriot Songs.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 48.

Fulano, T.  “The Unabomber & the Future of Industrial Society.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 5.

Furness, Zack “Evasion.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 50.

Gaynes, David “”The trees are our allies” Ginsberg’s 1969 interview with the Fifth Estate.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 10.

Gelderloos, Peter “The Function of Prison.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 39.

Gomez, Isabel “Thousands Rally to Stop Mumia’s Execution:  April 24 In Philadelphia, San Francisco and Across the World.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 1.

Graeber, David “GIVE IT AWAY.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 32.

Graves, Doug “A day without protest; sober reflections on the G8 protests and the global resistance.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 8.

Graves, Doug “CORPORATE MERCENARIES in OCCUPIED IRAQ.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 10.

Graves, Doug “Hell No!  We Won’t Go.  New Threat of Draft Calls for New Resistance.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 9.

Graves, Doug, Brinker, John “Art as Terror?  Professor busted by feds.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 10.

Gribble, David “Forget about theories–learn about the practice.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 32.

Halmos, Paul “The Decline of the Choral Dance.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 27.

Hazel “Anarchist Summer Camp in Kansas.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 7.

Hazel, W.  “A Race for Time?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 48.

Heinberg, Richard “GREEN ANARCHISM AND OIL DEPLETION; How close is the Collapse?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 23.

Helms, Robert “Voltairine de Cleyre:  On Woman Power; a lost article re- discovered.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 5.

Herrada, Julie “Debs’ Speech Threatened the Rulers Much Like Today’s Anti- War Agitation.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 6.

Herrada, Julie “Death of an Anarchist:  Pietro Valpreda.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 53.

Herrada, Julie “Joe Hill:  The IWW & the Making of a Revolutionary Workingclass Counterculture, by Franklin Rosemont.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 25.

Herrada, Julie “Judaism and Anarchism Conference in Venice.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 2.

Herrada, Julie “Life of a Detroit Anarchist:  Joseph Labadie and the Labor Movement.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 19.

Herrada, Julie “What can we say?  First-hand reflections from the Middle East.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 9.

Hollis, Joe “PARADISE GARDENING.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 10.

Ironwood, Patrick “The hundredth monkey discovers chaos theory OR The hundredth microbe discovers the kimchi theory.  Wild Fermentation by Sandor E.  Katz.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 43.

Jacobs, David “BAD TRIP; CALIFORNIA IN THE AGE OF SCHWARZENEGGER AND BUSH.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 26.

Jensen, Derrick “BEYOND BACKWARD AND FORWARD:  On Civilization, Sustainability, and the Future.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 18.

Johnson, John “A Fine Autumn Weekend In DC:  A brief report on the latest scuffle with the forces of globalization and their security apparatus.  ” Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 5.

Johnson, John “Anarchy, Food, and Sustainability:  an introduction.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 12.

Johnson, John “tales from the planet.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 5.

Johnson, John “Tales of Resistance.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 15.

Johnson, John “Tennescene.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 6.

Johnson, John, Mockingbird, Tequila “Tales From The Police State.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 10.

Jordan, John, Whitney, Jennifer “From Economic Meltdown to Grassroots Rebellion:  an eyewitness account.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 10.

Katz, Sandor Ellix “MY TALE OF ZERO TOLERANCE.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 10.

Kilar, Jeremy “Madman or Manifestation of a Brutal Society?  THE MICHIGAN ROOTS OF LEON CZOLGOSZ.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 7.

Kuszai, Joel “Jackson Mac Low (1922-2004).”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 78.

La Coss, Don “Charles Fourier Prefigures Our Total Refusal.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 28.

La Coss, Don “PHANTOMS OF LOST LIBERTY.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 6.

La Coss, Don “ZAPPING the PYRAMID:  Notes on the history of an anti- authoritarian symbol.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 22.

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LaCoss, Don “ANTI-ANARCHIST PROPAGANDA REPORTED AS HISTORICAL FACT.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 9.

LaCoss, Don “Benjamin Peret & the Ecological Imagination.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 29.

LaCoss, Don “Bush’s Regime Change in Georgia.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 11.

LaCoss, Don “DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ:  NOTES ON A GREEK TRAGEDY.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 31.

LaCoss, Don “FrEEdOM drEaMs.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 52.

Lacoss, Don “Howling Wilderness and The Promised Land.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 31.

Lacoss, Don “MARS FIRST!  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 42.

LaCoss, Don “POTLATCH; RITUAL RESISTANCE TO CAPITALISM.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 40.

LaCoss, Don “SCHOOLS of the Americas.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 25.

LaCoss, Don, Sunfrog, Lane, Walker “Everybody But Bush.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 3.

LaCoss, Don, Watson, David “Four more years…of resistance!  ” Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 5.

Lake, Veronika “World Forums Fighting for Water & Justice.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 13.

Lamson, Scott “JAILED ANARCHIST ACTIVIST FRAMED IN TEXAS PRISONS.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 21.

Lane, Walker “A Short History of our Offices as Autonomous Zones.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 7.

Lane, Walker “Death by Internet?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 4.

Lane, Walker “First Iraq Mutiny:  As War Drags on, Will There Be More?  ” Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 8.

Lane, Walker “How to Support Anti-War GIs.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 9.

Lane, Walker “Let Them Eat GMOs:  Capitalism’s Counter-Revolution.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 8.

Lane, Walker “Our Enemy, the State; The Pyramid Against the Circle.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 31.

Lane, Walker “Saying No To NADER.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 10.

Lane, Walker “THE UNABOMBER’S UNENDING 15 MINUTES OF FAME.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 26.

Lane, Walker “WORLD WIDE ANARCHY:  Demonstrations Across the World Oppose Global Capitalism.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 1.

Leafy “Walking on Water:  Reading, Writing, and Revolution.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 37.

Lippman, Peter “While Yugoslavia Burned, the Left Looked the Other Way.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 22.

Lugo, Chris “Firebrand:  New Radical Community Center Coming to Nashville.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 58.

luna c.  “Beauty is in the Streets.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 27.

Luna C.  “Bill Ayers.  Fugitive Days:  A Memoir.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 53.

MacDougall, A.  Kent “Pandemic Immiseration:  The Myth of Capitalist Affluence.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 27.

MacSheoin, Tomas “Technology Against Nature:  Recent Books on Genetic Engineering.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 23.

Mandering, Jeri “FIXING ELECTIONS.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 22.

Manson, William “ANALYZING AUTHORITARIAN NARCISSISM.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 32.

Manson, William “BIOPHILIA; TOWARD RE-HUMANIZATION.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 30.

Maple, E.B.  “Despite Big Labor March & Court Ruling, Detroit Paper Strike Continues.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 7.

Maple, E.B.  “I’m Sticking With The Union?  THE BATTLE OF DETROIT.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 3.

Maple, E.B.  “Looking At Animals:  Is There A Third Choice?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 19.

Maple, E.B.  “Oklahoma City & The Unabomber:  Mad Bombers & Anarchy?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 4.

Mathay, Camy “S is for Shame, F is for Fury, M is for Mothering.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 39.

MaxZine “BIKES NOT CARS!  CRITICAL MASS:  Bicycling’s Defiant Celebration.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 36.

Maxzine “Plan Z builds bridges in Tennessee.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 8.

MaxZine “Remembering Harry Hay.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 2.

Maya “Free The Gandalf Defendants:  Green Anarchist Editors Imprisoned.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 5.

McCabe, Patricio “Argentina’s New Forms of Struggle:  Direct Democracy, Popular Assemblies, & Self-Management.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 8.

McClellend, Jeff “Militant Civil Disobedience Brings Down the Bolivian Government.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 16.

Medvecky, Nick “Vietnam:  The Dirty War Told By the Men Who Fought & Opposed It.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 22.

Mezei, Marica “Hungary’s Alternative Net.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 10.

Mikolowski, Ken “Jim Gustafson.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 12.

Mikolowski, Ken “You Are What You Art:  Paul Schwarz.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 7.

Mogg, Kerry “A Short History of Radical Puppetry.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 14.

Mogg, Kerry “They Evacuated the Cows:  Reaction to the Calgary Oil Congress Protests.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2000, 16.

Montezuma “The Stronghold & the Shrine:  Did the City and State Come From Outer Space?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 14.

Moore, John “the Appeal of Anarchy.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 2.

Moossavi, Ali “Palestinian Refugees:  Ghosts of Israeli Conquest.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 11.

Moossavi, Ali “The U.S. War Against the Iraqi People:  American sanctions are weapons of mass destruction.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 20.

Moossavi, Ali, Watson, David “The Empire’s War Was Averted–What Will We Do about the “Peace”?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 3.

Morfis, Paul E.  “BI ALL MEANS:  Bisexuality Hits The Mainstream.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 24.

Mouse “Lessons from Cancun.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 13.

Murray, J.  “Anarchy and The Abolition of Whiteness.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 38.

Myers, Bob “Ethnic Cleansing in the Former Yugoslavia.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 4.

Naqvi, Ali “Learning, Unlearning, Defining, Redefining.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 34.

Nopper, Sheila “Alien(h)ated.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 6.

Nopper, Sheila “MORE DANGEROUS THAN A THOUSAND RIOTERS.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 40.

O, Chuck “”Bring the War Home”.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 7.

Oh No Bonobo “An Invitation to INSUBORDINATION.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 17.

OhNo Bonobo “an introduction to music & dance; The Revolution will be a mix tape.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 17.

Opp, Ruth, Porch, Raccoon “FALLING OFF THE WAGON:  Chicago Memorializes Haymarket.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 7.

Oppenheim-Rothschild, Ruth “SUBVERSIONS OF THE BODY:  SEX, SEX WORK, AND GENDER IN SURREALISM.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 36.

Pacosz, Christina “Two Poems by Christina Pacosz.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 13.

PanDoor “A FESTIVAL IN THE DESERT; BURNING MAN.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 33.

Perlman, Fredy “”The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism”.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 40.

Perlman, Lorraine “Detroit’s jovial community from HAVING LITTLE BEING MUCH.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 40.

Perlowin, Shane “Women in Black found ‘guilty’ in district court.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 8.

Petermann, Anne “Immigration Control:  an attempt to subvert the ecology movement.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 13.

Pitt, William Rivers “Police Attack Protests in Portland:  We are not the enemy.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 5.

PM “The next mutiny on the Bounty.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 83.

Porter, David “50 Years After Her Death Emma Goldman:  An Appreciation.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 47.

Price, Wayne “Anti-Electoralism and William Morris:  Some Revolutionary History.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 9.

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Raab, Alon “Emma Goldman’s anarchist magazine:  Mother Earth.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 9.

Raab, Alon “Nike Moon:  On the commercialization of everything.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 5.

Raab, Alon “The Centralia Massacre:  Following World War I, A Wobbly Is Lynched By The American Legion.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 7.

Rashid, Kathleen “Stoney Point:  Reclaims Land and Voice.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 1.

Rashid, Marilynn “An Artistry of Dissent.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 24.

Rayson, Anthony “South Chicago ABC Zine Distro.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 40.

Rosemont, Franklin “CARLOS CORTEZ.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 79.

Routledge, Pablo “The UK Struggle Against Roads:  Ecopolitics & the Free State; The Conflict Over the M77 Motorway in Scotland.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 5.

Rovics, David “”Song for the Earth Liberation Front”.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 19.

Rovics, David “return.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 39.

Saban, Ody “The Feminine Letter:  Source of Ecstasy; An Open Letter to Alphabets.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 35.

Sabatini, Peter “”Life-style” vs.  “Social” Anarchism:  An Historical Note on the Correct Thoughts of Chairman Bookchin.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 21.

Sakolsky, Ron “ANARCHY IN A DIASPORIC KEY.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 32.

Sakolsky, Ron “BLACK STAR NORTH.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 80.

Sakolsky, Ron “DANCING TO THE BEAT OF INDIGENOUS RESISTANCE.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 38.

Sakolsky, Ron “Refusing The Marketplace.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 24.

Sakolsky, Ron “Teaching Anarchy.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 16.

Sakolsky, Ron “Tuning in to the Media Dreamscape:  Reclaim the Media.  ” Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 15.

Sakolsky, Ron “WHERE ARE YOU, ARNOLD SHULTZ?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 34.

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Seaweed “LAND AND LIBERTY.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 22.

Serling, Bob “Riot Eyewitness.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 3.

Shapiro, Natalie, Macfarlane, Gary “Jack Squat and the Giant Pink Bunnies in Central Idaho:  THE FIGHT TO SAVE COVE/MALLARD.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 11.

Shevek, Takver “LAST EXIT TO UTOPIA.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 17.

Shibek, M.K.  “The Exploding Rose:  Surrealism in Portland.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 34.

Shulman, Alix Kates “Dances with Feminists.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 21.

Sibek, M.K., Freels, Brandon “Subversively Surreal:  Ron Sakolsky’s Surrealist Subversions; Rants, Writings, and Images by the Surrealist Movement in the United States.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 37.

Simon, Henri “Travels in Russia.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 6.

Sinclair, John “The People Own the City in Detroit Uprising.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 10.

Sinclair, John “There is no ‘hippie movement’ and there are no ‘hippie leaders’.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 9.

Smart, Alec “Police Break London Anti-Road Blockade.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 5.

Smith, A.  “Sex, Sedition, and the Fall of the Berlin Wall:  The East is Black, Len Bracken, Sexpol Editions.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 10.

Smith, Andy “Sunfrog” “GROUP SEX:  Communal Ethics of Eroticism, Free Love, and the Extended Family.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 11.

Snyder, Gary “Buddhist Anarchism.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 26.

Snyder, Gary “SMOKEY THE BEAR SUTRA.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 2.

Sokolsky, Ron “The Ludic Path to Utopia:  Utopian Prospects, Communal Projects; Visionary Experiments in Literature and Everyday Life, Andy Sunfrog Smith.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 13.

Solnit, David “Anarchy In Chicago:  Active Resistance at the Democratic Convention; Planting Seeds for an Anarchist Movement.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 1.

Solnit, David “May Day:  In San Francisco.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 2.

Solnit, David “Que se vayan todos:  Out with them all!  Argentina’s Popular Rebellion.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 7.

Solnit, David “Seattle:  Much More Than a Few Broken Windows.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 1.

Solomon, Norman “IF A CLUSTER BOMB COULD TALK.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 8.

Solomon, Tanya Z.  “Are survivalists and anarchists distant cousins?  ” (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 42.

Starhawk “Direct Action:  An Historical Novel by Luke Hauser.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 42.

Starhawk “Dirt, passion, rage:  on spirituality, peace, & the politics of “NO!”.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 45.

Starhawk “How We Really Shut down the WTO.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 9.

Starla “”Studying History, Making History”.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 19.

Static, Tabatha “Being For Against.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 31.

Static, Tabatha “Intro to Economics.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 16.

Stern, Andrew “”The war against people has never been more globalized.”.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 8.

Sterren “ANARCHISTS IN BOSTON PROTEST DNC.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 11.

Sunfrog “Anarchy & the Spirit:  an introduction.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 19.

Sunfrog “Cass Corridor to Pumpkin Hollow Still from Detroit; Gritty and grimy to the core, inner-city Detroit was a daily regimen of gravel and glass.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 46.

Sunfrog “Communes in the 21st Century:  Do You All Sleep in the Same Room?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 17.

Sunfrog “Compromising & Computing.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 15.

Sunfrog “Defending our politics & defining our vision against bashing, baiting, & backlash; This is what slander looks like.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2004, 5.

Sunfrog “Deschooling the Deschoolers and Unschooling my Illusions.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 42.

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Sunfrog “Letter from Pumpkin Hollow:  The Long Road Home.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 26.

Sunfrog “On Class & Solidarity:  an introduction to economy & community.  ” Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 15.

Sunfrog “On Having Something to Do.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 77.

Sunfrog “Our Culture, Our Resistance:  People of Color Speak Out on Anarchism, Race, Class and Gender.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 41.

Sunfrog “Passionate Mudplay:  Piercing the Membrane of the Mundane.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 21.

Sunfrog “Support Your Local Utopia:  Vachel Lindsay’s Golden Book.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 17.

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Sunfrog “The Punk Rock Candy Mountain.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 50.

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Sunfrog “Think Brown:  the politics of poop & the planet; Joe Jenkins.  The Humanure Handbook.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 30.

Sunfrog “You Might as Well Dance:  The Return of the Son of the Layabouts.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2001, 17.

Sunfrog, Andy “Anything But White.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 35.

Sunshine, Spencer “Action & Ideas at Vermont RAT Conference.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 14.

Sunshine, Spencer “NIETZSCHE AND THE ANARCHISTS.”  Fifth Estate :  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2005, 36.

Sunshine, Spencer “The Zen Already in Anarchism.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 67.

Syntax, Egg, Brinker, John “an anarchist cookbook; Recipes for Disaster.  ” (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 93.

Syntax, Egg, Radym “Learning Anarchy:  Radical Books for Kids.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 29.

Tequila Mockingbrid “Tales from the Police State.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 10.

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Thistle, May “Surrealism, Poetry, & Anarchy:  An introduction.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2002, 28.

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Watson, David “A Humble Call to Subvert the Human Empire.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 6.

Watson, David “ALL ISMS ARE WASMS.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 34.

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Watson, David “Bicycles and the Spirit:  Wheels On Fire.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 19.

Watson, David “Catastrophe as a way of life:  an anti-imperialism for the twenty-first century.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 21.

Watson, David “Looking Back on the Vietnam War:  History and Forgetting.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 1.

Watson, David “Notes toward a history of the Fifth Estate; Part 1:  1975- 81.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 26.

Watson, David “On Keeping Our Critical Faculties:  a response to an “ultraleft” critic.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 39.

Watson, David “On the Road to Nowhere:  Notes on the New Nomadism.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 4.

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Watson, David “Remembering Castoriadis & Bahro:  Bahro and Castoriadis were important voices in the breakup of traditional leftism and the emergence of new forms of radicalism.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 13.

Watson, David “Swamp Fever, Primitivism & the “Ideological Vortex”:  Farewell to All That.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 15.

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Watson, David “WORKERS AID & THE BETRAYALS OF THE LEFT:  An Introduction.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 3.

Wehling, Jason “History of the Black Flag:  Why anarchists fly it; What are its origins?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1997, 31.

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Weinstein, MaxZine “Anarcho-spirituality and its Discontents:  A Personal Reflection.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 32.

Weinstein, MaxZine “CONVENTION CRASHES!  Blackout Wrecks Republicans.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 12.

Weinstein, MaxZine “Resistance Begins at Home.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 14.

Weinstein, MaxZine “Segregation Rising and the Strategy to Leave Children Behind.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2004, 30.

Weinstein, Maxzine, Sunfrog “Tennessee Radicals Resist the Permanent Nuclear War Machine at Oak Ridge.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 3.

Werbe, Peter “”We are always facing Armageddon”:  A Speed bump in the road?  Interview with Chris Clark, Editor Earth Island Journal.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 10.

Werbe, Peter “An Introduction to Paul Halmos; Dancing for Our Lives.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2003, 26.

Werbe, Peter “Conversations with Allen Ginsberg.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1997, 8.

Werbe, Peter “Crisis in the Anarchist Press?  Profane Existence publishes last issue.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 21.

Werbe, Peter “History of The Fifth Estate:  Part I; The Early Years.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 1.

Werbe, Peter “History of the Fifth Estate:  The Early Years.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 8.

Werbe, Peter “How I Stopped Recycling & Learned to Love It.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 7.

Werbe, Peter “The Toll of U.S. Sanctions:  A First-Hand Account.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2000, 21.

Werbe, Peter “Will Success Spoil Chumbawamba?  How does an anarchist band from Leeds deal with being international pop stars?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1998, 1.

Werbe, Peter “Y2K:  Will It All Fall Apart?  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 10.

Werbe, Peter, Preston, Paul “IN 1936 SPAIN:  A New World Was Possible.  ” (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 20.

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Wildwood, Mary “LIVING IN A CITY ALREADY BOMBED.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 41.

William, Michael “Anarchists Scapegoated for Quebec Riot.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 1996, 13.

William, Michael “The Plague of Nationalism Continues in the Quebec Referendum.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 1996, 12.

Williams, Luci “Support for the Forces of Darkness.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 46.

Wilson, Peter Lamborn “Domestication.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 27.

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Wilson, Peter Lamborn “MY SUMMER VACATION IN AFGHANISTAN.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 15.

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Wilson, Peter Lamborn “Roses and Nightingales:  Looking for Traditional Anarchism in 1970s Iran.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 2004, 43.

Wilson, Peter Lamborn “Spiritual Anarchism:  Topics for Research.”  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 27.

Wilson, Peter Lamborn “Take Back The Night:  Ban Electricity.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2004, 47.

Wilson, Peter Lanborn “Judith Malina’s Poetry of Love & Politics.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 9.

Wirkes-Butuar, Bert “Recycling & Liberal Reform.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 17.

Witch Hazel “Against agriculture & in defense of cultivation.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2003, 13.

Witch Hazel “Who will tell the people?  An interview with David Rovics.  ” Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 33.

Wood, Lea “Webs of Power, Notes from the Global Uprising.  Starhawk.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate :  Winter 2002/03 [Detroit] 31 Jan. 2003, 30.

Xolotl, Miguel “Israel:  50 Years of Conquest.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jan. 1999, 8.

Yossarian, Cap’n John “On Mutiny Considered as One of the Fine Arts.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Oct. 2003, 22.

Zerzan, John “A Gorilla Takes on Civilization Sort Of.”  (Review).  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 23.

Zerzan, John “For Active Nihilism.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 2002, 19.

Zerzan, John “PBS, Power & Postmodernism.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1995, 22.

Zerzan, John, Brenton, Gicker “Anarchy in Eugene:  A Sleepy College Town Explodes.”  Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Jul 1999, 2.

Zerzan, John, Zerzan, Paula, Maple, EB, Brubaker, Bob “Examining Zerzan.  ” Fifth Estate [Detroit] 1 Apr. 2005, 44.

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