Trump White House chaos behind Turnbull refugee confusion

President Donald Trump is putting out conflicting signals on refugees.
President Donald Trump is putting out conflicting signals on refugees. AP

The bizarre confusion over the US refugee resettlement deal with Australia shows the chaos in the Trump White House is now engulfing Canberra and becoming an unwelcome distraction for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's economic message.

As Donald Trump was telling Americans "I am a man of my word" when nominating arch conservative Neil Gorsuch for a seat on the Supreme Court, Australian government officials on Wednesday were scrambling to ensure Trump was not backing away from the refugee pact Turnbull ostensibly sealed with the President last week.

The transfer of 1250 refugees from Papua New Guinea and Nauru is still almost certain to proceed given that Department of Homeland Security officials were meeting with Australian diplomats in Washington on Tuesday to execute the deal.

Yet the fact that a White House official reportedly phoned the ABC Washington bureau to say Trump was still considering whether to stick to the Obama-era deal, just hours after press secretary Sean Spicer publicly confirmed the President would "honour" the agreement but apply "extreme vetting", brings home to Australia the mayhem and factional splits inside the new White House.

David Rowe

Welcome to when America First collides with international realities.

If this is US-Australia alliance management under the Trump administration, local conservative critics who criticised Barack Obama's alleged lack of commitment to foreign friends may need to brace for a far rockier four years ahead.

Veiled warning

The veiled warning that the Turnbull-Obama deal inherited by Trump was not a fait accompli may simply be an attempt to send a message to the new President's domestic political base who wholeheartedly back his travel bans against Muslim-majority countries.

It also likely signals factional tensions in the White House over the deal.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addresses the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra on Wednesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addresses the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra on Wednesday. Alex Ellinghausen

At least one senior Trump adviser is understood to have argued internally for the President to abandon the Obama-Turnbull refugee pact.

Policy adviser Stephen Miller is known to be "extremely conservative" on immigration, an official in Washington said, while chief strategist Stephen Bannon is the intellectual firepower behind Trump's outspoken nationalism and is a sworn opponent of Islam as a religion.

The pair of advisers, who personally drafted the executive order curtailing immigration from Middle East and African countries and ultimately carved out a special deal for Australia at the eleventh hour, are not afraid of using public disorder to rev up Trump's feverish fans.

A case in point is the detention of dozens of foreign passport holders at American airports and cancellation of flights on the weekend, and Trump's populist inauguration speech they helped write.

During more certain times, US President Barack Obama and  Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull spoke of their support for the ...
During more certain times, US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull spoke of their support for the TPP in November. PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS

Fortunately for Australia, Vice President Mike Pence, chief of staff Reince Priebus and national security adviser Mike Flynn – even though he is also a critic of Islam as a religion – are more inclined to take an internationalist view of the mutual benefit of alliances.

Promisingly, the unnamed White House caller did note that America's "longstanding relationship with Australia" as the reason any deal would proceed, if Trump does make good on his word to Turnbull.

Turnbull, a skilled negotiator from his Goldman Sachs investment banking days, is credited with twisting Trump's arm to accept the refugees Obama had promised to take.

Make no mistake, Trump was not happy about giving ground to the Prime Minister in a final phone call last weekend.

US President Donald Trump, left, speaks on the phone with Malcolm Turnbull, as national security adviser Michael Flynn, ...
US President Donald Trump, left, speaks on the phone with Malcolm Turnbull, as national security adviser Michael Flynn, middle, and chief strategist Steve Bannon, right. sit in on the Oval Office call. Bloomberg

It is a remarkable feat for Turnbull given that Trump has just applied a blanket freeze on the US refugee program for 120 days and barred immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days.

Pay back

What Turnbull may have offered up originally to Obama or will have to pay back in the future to Trump is not public.

But it is near certain the pushy New York real estate deal maker will have an ace up his sleeve when Australia's help is needed on a difficult geopolitical issue.

Donald Trump flanked by Vice President Mike Pence, left, and chief of staff Reince Priebus, right.
Donald Trump flanked by Vice President Mike Pence, left, and chief of staff Reince Priebus, right. AP

Trump's famous 1987 book The Art of the Deal, makes clear he values leverage over a counterpart in any negotiation.

"My style of deal-making is quite simple and straightforward," he wrote.

"I aim very high, and then I just keep pushing and pushing to get what I'm after. Sometimes I settle for less than I sought, but in most cases I still end up with what I want."

If Australia feels a little uneasy about Trump, spare a thought for Germany's leader Angela Merkel – Obama's closest foreign partner - after the President's top trade adviser Peter Navarro accused her country of manipulating the euro currency.

For Turnbull trying to drive home his message at the Press National Club in Canberra on jobs, tax and the economy, and move on from Trump killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, it's a confounding time to be a world leader in the America First era.