'Mediscare' campaign director Sally McManus firms as new ACTU leader

Sally McManus is the ACTU vice president and a former Australian Services Union NSW leader who has been critical of ALP ...
Sally McManus is the ACTU vice president and a former Australian Services Union NSW leader who has been critical of ALP positions in the past.

The organiser of the controversial "Mediscare" campaign and friend of Bill Shorten, Sally McManus, is firming as the only contender to replace Dave Oliver as head of the Australian Council of Trade Unions after his shock resignation.

The left faction, which traditionally decides the secretary position, will meet next week to discuss the leadership and key right unions are understood to be supportive of the left-wing vice-president Ms McManus.

Other potential contenders, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union secretary Michael O'Connor and Community Public Sector Union secretary Nadine Flood, have not raised their hands for the position.

However, union leaders are still reeling from Mr Oliver's resignation which has left the peak body in the rare situation of having a vacant leadership position and no clear transition plan.

ALP critic

Ms McManus, 45, is highly respected by her union colleagues and has won praise as an innovative campaign director.

During the 2016 federal election, she organised the so-called "Mediscare" campaign.

The campaign, which was strongly criticised by Malcolm Turnbull, saw union members handing out fake Medicare cards and more than a million leaflets on the final days of the election, controversially claiming a Turnbull government would privatise Medicare.

Ms McManus also spearheaded a landmark equal pay case as secretary of the Australian Services Union NSW, winning 20 per cent to 50 per cent pay rises for 150,000 community workers.

A friend of Opposition Leader Mr Shorten and former member of the powerful NSW ALP administrative committee, Ms McManus' relationship with the ALP, however, has not been without conflict.

In 2011, she warned Labor her members would "walk away" to the Greens or even the Liberal Party if the then-NSW Labor government refused to fund pay rises in their equal-pay case.

She also pledged to allow union members to vote directly for their union's choice of Labor pre-selection candidates, even if the members are not individually affiliated and despite opposition from the state party.

Alongside president Ged Kearney, Ms McManus would be the ACTU's first female secretary and her election would mark the first time women have held the two most senior leadership positions.

'No prior hint of resignation'

Mr Oliver, who led the peak body since 2012, resigned on Monday effective immediately after calling for "renewal" and saying he wanted to spend more time with his family.

Union leaders told The Australian Financial Review there was no prior hint of Mr Oliver's resignation and all found out about it on the day.

"We're all still playing catch-up," one senior official said. "There's no one ringing anybody – normally people would be calling someone by now if there was another contender."

Several senior union officials are overseas or still on leave, meaning the top ACTU post could remain vacant for weeks before a formal appointment.

A special ACTU executive meeting to formally decide the new secretary is yet to be scheduled but is expected to be held this month.