Malcolm Turnbull is confident Donald Trump will honour refugee deal

White House press secretary Sean Spicer earlier said the refugee deal with Australia would go ahead.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer earlier said the refugee deal with Australia would go ahead. AP

The Australian government remains confident Donald Trump will honour the refugee deal Malcolm Turnbull struck with Barack Obama, despite conflicting messages sent by the White House on Wednesday.

Only hours after White House spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed Mr Trump would honour the deal, the ABC reported its Washington bureau had received a follow-up call from the White House saying the President was still considering the deal.

The ABC subsequently reported: "In a follow-up phone call to the ABC, a White House source said if the President does decide to honour the deal, it will only be because of America's 'longstanding relationship with Australia'."

Mr Turnbull, who was personally assured of the deal on Sunday during a phone call with Mr Trump, appeared unfazed.

"As you've heard from the President's own spokesman this morning, the Trump administration has committed to progress with the arrangements to honour the deal ... that was entered into with the Obama administration," he said.

"And that was the assurance the President gave me when we spoke on the weekend."

Australian officials were meeting Department of Homeland Security counterparts in Washington on Tuesday to work through implementing the agreement, an official in the US capital said.

The President had directed DHS to "get on with it", the person said.

"Trump doesn't like it, but Turnbull got the deal over the line," a government source said.

On Monday, following a 25-minute phone call with Mr Trump on Sunday, Mr Turnbull announced the new President had agreed to honour the deal.

Overnight Tuesday, Mr Spicer, at the daily White House press briefing, also confirmed it was a goer, saying the US would accept 1250 refugees subject to "extreme vetting" by US authorities.

Mr Spicer revealed the deal dealt with 1250 people, mostly being held in Papua New Guinea, and that President Trump would "honour" the agreement.

"There will be extreme vetting applied to all of them, that is part and parcel of the deal that was made and it was made by the Obama administration with the full backing of the United States government," he said in response to a question at a White House press briefing on Tuesday in Washington.

Others on the islands who have been found not to be refugees are not part of the arrangement and are being urged to return home.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton had previously been coy on the exact number of refugees that would be transferred to the US from Nauru and PNG's Manus Island.

The acceptance of the refugees jars with Mr Trump's suspension of the US refugee program and temporary immigration ban on nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries.

The Australian Financial Review has been told that at least one senior White House adviser had deep misgivings about honouring the Obama administration agreement with Mr Turnbull.

Immigration hardliners and Islam sceptics, chief strategist Stephen Bannon and senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, were the key drafters of an executive order published on the weekend that temporarily halts the annual admission of 110,000 refugees for 120 days and indefinitely for refugees from Syria.

Despite resistance from within the White House, Mr Turnbull was able to convince Mr Trump of the importance of the 76-year US-Australia alliance and to make an exception for Australia.

For this reason, he was loath to criticise Mr Trump's executive order for fear of jeopardising the deal.

Most of the refugees are from Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and Africa, including Iran, Somalia, Syria, Pakistan and Sudan.

Despite fierce speculation the deal would be scuttled by Mr Trump, Mr Turnbull always maintained that he was confident that the accord would hold.

Some influential Republican politicians had raised serious concerns about the US-Australia deal.

House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley in December labelled the agreement "unprecedented" and pressured the Obama administration to publicly release more details.