22 signs your boss secretly hates you

We all want to be liked at work — especially by our bosses. These are the people who make decisions regarding our promotions and pay raises, formally review our performances, and usually play a significant role in our overall happiness and success at work.

So if they don’t like you, you’ll want to know so you can try to turn things around. However, that’s not always so easy.

“If your boss doesn’t like you, they will likely keep it to themselves, as they understand the need to keep the relationship professional and to not play favourites in the office,” says Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of “The Humour Advantage.” “So the signs may be quite subtle — but they are usually easy to spot if you’re looking for them.”

Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behaviour and Thrive in Your Job,” says you don’t have to be best friends with your manager, “but you can achieve optimal creativity and success if you feel that you’re liked, supported, and respected by them.”

Here are 22 subtle signs your boss secretly hates you. Of course, a boss who does these things could just be a terrible leader. But if you notice you’re the only victim of these behaviours, it probably means they don’t like you.

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You've got a bad gut feeling

If you feel like your boss doesn't like you, it could just be in your head. But it can also be true. If they treat you very differently than everyone else, you're probably not their favourite person. Trust your gut and continue looking for other signs if you have a strong feeling about this.


They never ask you for input or involve you in key decisions

When they don't include you in big decisions related to your sphere of influence, it may be because your boss doesn't trust your opinion.

'When you're asked for input, it sends the message that you are valued, so not asking for input can, of course, send the opposite message: 'I really don't care what you think!'' says Kerr.


They can't maintain eye contact with you

It's difficult for a boss who is angry to look you straight in the eye, says Taylor. 'They're afraid that you may be able to detect hostility, so the path of least resistance is for them to look away or avoid being around you wherever possible.'

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They don't smile around you

We're not talking about the occasional bad day or mood swing. If your boss make a conscious effort not to smile when you're in the room, something isn't right.

Getty/ Scott Olson

They micromanage you, and only you

Bosses micromanage for a number of reasons: a need for assuming constant control, or insecurity at some level, for example. 'But it can also mean they don't trust you,' Taylor suggests. 'In some cases this can even lead to mild bullying behaviour, where the boss is so consumed with monitoring your every step that it begins to feel like a form of intimidation.'

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They avoid you like the proverbial plague

If you notice that your boss only takes the stairs when you're waiting for the elevator, or they manage their schedule in such a way that they rarely overlap with your primary work hours, that's a good sign they're avoiding you.

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They don't acknowledge your presence

If your boss doesn't say 'Good morning' when you arrive, or, 'Have a great night' on their way out, they may be telling you they don't like you, says Taylor.


They're short with you

If you ask, 'How's it going?' and they always respond with 'OK' or 'Fine' -- or if their emails to always get straight to the point, and never begin with a friendly 'Hello' or 'Good afternoon,' this may be a sign they're not a huge fan of you.

'If your boss sounds like a moody teenager, then that's a pretty big red flag,' says Kerr.


They give off negative body language

Whether it's a subtle eye roll, constantly assuming a closed off position with arms folded across their chest, or they don't look up from their computer screen when you enter their office, your boss' body language will often reveal their true feelings towards you, Kerr says.


They communicate with you primarily via email, avoiding in-person conversations as much as they possibly can

If your boss doesn't like you, they will probably try to limit their in-person communication with you. If you notice a shift toward more digital correspondence, that's a sign.


They never invite you to participate in important meetings or special projects

Any signs of being shut out or excluded in any way is a major red flag that your boss has a problem with you, Kerr says.

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Their door is always closed

If your manager has an office and their door is always closed, they may be trying to tell you something.

Brian Bahr/Getty Images

They constantly disagree with you

If your boss shuts down every idea you pitch or disagrees with everything you say (but doesn't seem to do this with others), that's a pretty good sign they secretly hate you.

Ian Gavan/Getty Images for Sainsbury's

They never ask about your personal life or family, always keeping conversations professional and businesslike

If you notice that your boss speaks with everyone else about their kids or hobbies, but never brings up these topics with you, they're probably just not interested in hearing about your life, says Kerr.

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They assign you jobs that no one else wants to do

If your boss only gives you menial tasks well below your level of experience or competence -- such as 'busy work,' it's a sign they don't trust or respect your abilities (or worse, that they are actively encouraging you to look for work elsewhere), says Taylor.


They never give you any feedback …

A boss who wants to help you grow will provide feedback -- good and bad. 'But an absence of any feedback shows complete indifference towards your performance and your future growth as an employee,' says Kerr.

Jason Oxenham/Getty Images

… or they only give you negative feedback, and it's usually in public

Openly criticising your efforts or ideas in a meeting is a huge sign of disrespect. If your boss goes out of their way to embarrass you, chances are they don't like you.

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The don't ever include you in their office bantering or humor

Friendly teasing with employees is often done to show that you are part of the team, that you're'one of us' — so when a boss never feels comfortable including you in friendly ribbing, it may be a sign they don't care for you.


They steal credit for your ideas

'Now some bosses do this even with employees they like, but if your boss really doesn't like you, they may loathe the idea of giving you any credit for your work or ideas,' Taylor explains.


Your plum project gets reassigned

'It's Monday morning and the high visibility project you were assigned on Friday has magically been given to your now gloating office cube neighbour,' says Taylor. 'It's not uncommon for disorganized bosses to occasionally reshuffle projects, as discouraging as that is for any employee. But if you notice this happens frequently, or is just part of a string of unkind moves by your now chilly manager, it's a bad sign.'

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They say things like, 'Our personalities clash,' or 'I think we tend to see things differently'

If your boss points out the fact that you're rarely on the same page or can't agree on things, they probably don't like you very much.


They have a shorter attention span for you than anyone else

If your boss seems disinterested in what you have to say, or loses patience easily while talking to you, they probably just don't like you very much.

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