A police car has crashed into a house in Perth's north while following an allegedly stolen car, but no one was injured.
Queensland's premier says she will consider tightening bail laws in the wake of the murder of a Gold Coast mother by her estranged husband.
A Labor government would get the WA budget back in to surplus in a first term, WA opposition leader Mark McGowan has promised.
Poverty should be regarded as a major risk factor for premature death, scientists have concluded after analysing data on 1.7 million people.
The City of Sydney council has written a scathing submission against the proposed expansion of the Sydney Opera House's function centre.
The Australian and Indonesian governments have signed an agreement as part of a bid to weaken the financial capability of terrorists.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has called the federal government's deal with Singapore to acquire land for military training 'heartless and cruel'.

More troops on merit for IS fight

Malcolm Turnbull says Australia is in talks with the new Trump administration about the future direction of the fight against Islamic State extremists.

Turnbull not expecting recession

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull does not expect the national accounts on March 1 will show the economy sank into recession in the second half of 2016.
The 'prince' of a wheat property in WA that claims to have seceded in 1970 will abdicate on February 11, handing sovereignty to his youngest son.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wants to make energy storage a priority for the year ahead to help stabilise the electricity grid.
A camera that can capture 90 times more of the light spectrum than the human eye has surveyed WA's Ningaloo Reef, helping to monitor marine and reef health.
WA Labor is expected to lose a regional candidate on the first official day of the state election campaign.

Big solar farm for South Australia

A major solar farm will be developed east of Adelaide with the capacity to supply 40,000 homes.
Malcolm Turnbull says he believes Australians expect that only locals and local business can seek to influence elections.

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