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Man shrugs off bravery after saving woman who drove into Swan River

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The man who jumped into the Swan River to save a woman whose car plunged into the water in Crawley has shrugged off his bravery.

The woman was driving along Mounts Bay Road just after 5pm when the vehicle veered off the road and ended up in the water.

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Car drives into Swan River

The woman in her fifties says she was looking at her GPS when she swerved off Mounts Bay Road and in to the River. Vision: Today Perth News.

The driver, a woman in her 50s, was taken to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital but did not suffer any serious injuries in the accident.

Her saviour Anthony, who was driving behind the woman when he suddenly saw her car disappear from view, said he was the only one "appropriately dressed" to leap into the river.

"I saw the car and because it's quite a drop I lost sight of the car and saw a splash and thought 'did I really see that or not'?," he told Radio 6PR.

"I got out, looked over the ledge and there she was sitting in the car.


"I could see she was struggling and panicking and in shock so I climbed down the wall and waded and swam towards the car."

Anthony said when he got to the woman, water was already over the bonnet and rushing into the vehicle.

He was frantically gesturing to the woman to wind down the window so he could pull her out.

"At one point I tried opening the door to get here out and obviously that was a dumb idea because water started rushing in," he said.

"We got the window open and she was shaken and I said 'I'm not going to leave you and you need to get out'.

"Her first point of call was trying to get all her possessions out and I was like 'let's not worry about possessions, let's get you out'.

I could see she was struggling and panicking and in shock so I climbed down the wall and waded and swam towards the car.

"She came from the driver's seat to the passenger's seat and I dragged her out the window."

Anthony said that once he made sure the woman was safe and well, he jumped into the water to see if he could retrieve some of her possessions.

"She wanted her phone so I went back and tried to find that but at that stage the water was up to the dash," he said.

He said despite adrenalin still surging through his body by the time he got home, his son's response when he spotted him dripping wet quickly brought him back to earth.

"My parents were at my place and I got out of the car and my son came up to me and said 'dad's got no clothes on' and mum said 'yeah right'," he laughed.

"She said 'what's happened' and I said 'I just pulled a woman out of the water'."