How ISS commander Terry Virts spotted Earth's richest people while space walking

Terry Virts, right, with International Space Station  crewmates  Anton Shkaplerov of Russia and Samantha Cristoforetti ...
Terry Virts, right, with International Space Station crewmates Anton Shkaplerov of Russia and Samantha Cristoforetti of Italy. Reuters
by Terry Virts

Terry Virts retired from NASA in August last year after a 16-year career with the US space agency. During his time there he spent 213 days in space, passed 19 hours and two minutes outside the space station and took more than 300,000 photographs from space.

There was a moment during one of my space walks – walks are 99 per cent work, but one particular time, I could see the sunrise from horizon to horizon – it was sublime. It seemed like something humans shouldn't be allowed to see: striking beauty. It lets you step back and see things from a different perspective. It was one of thousands of moments.

Pictures of sunrises and sunsets never got old for me – I took an awful lot of them. But the camera chip doesn't capture them well enough so I want to learn to paint. The eye is like viewing a French impressionist painting; a photo is like a realist painting.

Ninety-nine per cent of what I saw was breathtakingly beautiful. But there were a couple of environmental problems I saw. One was smog. China stood out – you could see fossil fuels being burned. It was pretty hazy in India too. You can see deforestation in the Amazon. It should be all green but there are big squares where the green is missing.

One of Terry Virts's photos showing the Gulf of Mexico and US Gulf Coast at sunset from the International Space Station.
One of Terry Virts's photos showing the Gulf of Mexico and US Gulf Coast at sunset from the International Space Station. NASA

Stood out

At nighttime you see human activity. At first I thought I'd see where the population is and then I realised I wasn't seeing population, I was seeing wealth. Europe is very bright, there's a lot of light on the east coast of America.

There are a lot of people there with corresponding wealth. Saudi Arabia is mostly desert, but at night it's like western Europe or America – there are 28 million people, so the number of lights per capita is really high in this region, which stood out to me.

You can see the lights of the Nile River in northern Africa, and in Cairo in Egypt. In southern Africa, you have Johannesburg. And then in between those two cities there's a billion people – there are a couple of red dots that are oil fields and yellow dots that are small cities.

Ever since I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut. My mom worked as a secretary for NASA, my dad as a technician, my step-dad as an engineer. I learnt you needed a technical degree, so I studied maths and science.

Terry Virts, left, assists European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti with emergency training aboard the ...
Terry Virts, left, assists European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti with emergency training aboard the International Space Station during an exercise. AP

I learnt that being a pilot was a good thing, so I went to the Air Force academy. I learnt that being a test pilot was a good thing. So I had always checked the boxes to put myself in a position even though I didn't think it would happen because that's crazy.

Didn't apply

At test pilot school everybody wants to be an astronaut. When we were there, NASA decided it would take another class of astronauts. I said I was going to apply, but some of my classmates said we're not even graduated yet. I was told many, many times by lots of people that I didn't have enough experience, that I wasn't the smartest pilot. I applied anyway and got picked, which was crazy.

My friends were – no kidding – smarter than me, better looking than me. But they didn't apply. So I went to NASA. Then there was the 2003 Columbia shuttle accident. It was a long time before there was another class, so I had classmates who didn't get picked. The lesson I learnt for my own career is don't tell yourself no.

Terry Virts spoke to Rose-Anne Manns after addressing a School of Life event in Sydney in November last year.

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