
December 21, 2016

Thanks to your generosity, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was able to respond to many crises in 2016.

December 19, 2016

Last year, Canadian nurse Laura Puteris worked at the Centre de Référence en Urgence Obstétricales (CRUO), Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)'s centre for emergency maternity care in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. In this video, Laura describes an evening when she and her colleagues received as a patient a pregnant woman terribly burned by an exploding fuel canister. She recounts the team's efforts to help the mother and save her unborn child, and reflects on why it is essential to be present where care is needed.

October 21, 2016

MSF teams are bringing medical care to people who have been cut off from healthcare by the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew. Watch as MSF medics arrive by helicopter to treat people in need.

April 25, 2016

Today is World Malaria Day.

Sideeka Narayan, an MSF Nurse, tells us about her work in MSF's Shamwana project in the Democratic Republic of Congo training community members to fight malaria.

March 08, 2016

Jaime Wah is a Canadian nurse who has worked overseas with MSF in conflict situations from Central African Republic to Democratic Republic of Congo, delivering medical care to people in need. She recently returned from South Sudan, where she worked at the MSF hospital in the United Nations' Protection of Civilians camp in Bentiu, which is home to more than 100,000 people who have been displaced by the country's violent and ongoing civil war. In the video above, she describes how armed fighters use sexual assault as a weapon, putting the health and lives of already vulnerable women already at even greater risk.

February 12, 2016

In this video, MSF nurse Céline Langlois describes how her team was caught in shooting crossfire in Yemen, and how a local family took them in and gave them shelter from the violence outside.

January 14, 2016

As Liberia today celebrates 42 days without any new Ebola infections — effectively marking the end of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa — the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on the global health community to draw on lessons learned in order to be better prepared for future similar outbreaks.

December 17, 2015

Thanks to your generosity, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was able to respond to many crises in 2015.

December 01, 2015

Imagine trying to keep a life-or-death secret when it touches almost everyone you know. The statistics tell you that many people with whom you live, work or socialize share the same secret. Indeed, everyone you know has a parent, child, friend, colleague or neighbour who shares this secret. Yet you can never be sure who to confide in.

November 04, 2015

One month after the attack on MSF's trauma centre in Kunduz, Afghanistan, MSF offices around the world gathered to remember and honour the lives of the staff and patients killed the attack and to re-iterate the call for an independent investigation into these attacks.
