
Editorial The British public didn't vote for Brexit at any price

Theresa May has only proposed a parliamentary vote on which variety of Brexit we shall have; in effect a ‘Hobson’s Choice’ of a vote, with the option of not leaving the EU unreasonably closed off for Parliament and public alike. That is not the democratic way, and it’s time Labour challenged it

Editorial Section 40 is an appalling piece of legislation

In practical terms for 2017, Section 40 means newspapers have to join Impress – an untested organisation funded almost exclusively by one individual (and a press critic at that) and approved by an official quango that itself reports to Parliament – or face huge legal costs even in respect of cases we win

Editorial Someone needs to take responsibility for the rail chaos

The by-now annual closure of parts of the network between Christmas and the New Year is deeply frustrating. Shoppers might find what they’re looking for with the help of a few clicks, but some family get togethers will doubtless be stymied and those who have to work during this period are likely to be especially badly hit

Editorial The year of President Trump will be much more dangerous

Trump's tweet last week about the need for America to expand its nuclear capability was the most obvious example yet both of his grandstanding style on social media and of his capacity for radically changing key US policies in 140 characters or less