Hidden Leaf Foundation

People walking in a labyrinth made of stones

Hidden Leaf’s mission is to expand inner awareness within social change organizations in order to enhance the effectiveness of the progressive movement. We do this by promoting transformative awareness practices—which help us still our minds and reflect on our own internal conditioning—to align our values, thinking, and actions. We believe this work of manifesting inner wisdom in the outer world is an essential pathway for advancing a more just, ecologically healthy, and compassionate society.

About Transformative Social Change

Transformative social change work engages inner awareness and personal development practices to enhance the effectiveness of organizations working toward a just and sustainable world. Within this field, we aspire to create fundamental changes, not only within individuals, but also within groups and society as a whole. Awareness practices currently being used in this field include contemplative meditation, somatic movement, wellness practices, interpersonal communication tools, and work that aligns values and actions.


Hidden Leaf offers grants to progressive social change and leadership development organizations that use awareness practices to enhance their work, as well as to groups that are building the field of transformative social change.

Hidden Leaf founder
Dave Brown

1936 – 2013