Test your general knowledge with our weekly quiz. By Cindy MacDonald.
No. 141
The Quiz

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Click the questions to reveal the answers.

1. Who, according to Forbes magazine, was the most powerful person of 2016? (Bonus point for naming the highest-ranked woman.)
2. The medical specialty otorhinolaryngology deals with diseases of the what?
3. Murray (Mer), Thursday and Prince of Wales form part of what island group?
4. What colour is Oxford Street in the classic British version of the Monopoly board game?
5. Prosciutto comes from which animal?
6. Who wrote the collection of essays A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women?
7. January 28 marks the start of the Chinese zodiac Year of the …?
8. Which actor links the films Gangster Squad, Mystic River and The Thin Red Line?
9. Who won the men’s and women’s singles tennis titles at the 2016 Australian Open?
10. What is the mean of these numbers: 22, 28, 40?

This article was first published in the print edition of The Saturday Paper on Jan 28, 2017 as "What is the mean of these numbers: 22, 28, 40?".

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Cindy MacDonald is The Saturday Paper’s deputy editor.