Australian politics, society & culture

The science question and feminism
STEM is the future, and women need to be part of it
Margaret Wertheim
Who’s the boss now?. Image of Bruce Springsteen
Arts & Letters / Music

Who’s the boss now?

Bruce Springsteen is the consummate live performer
Anwen Crawford
The new black. Image of a restaurant
The Monthly Essays

The new black

The overworked, underpaid, cash-in-hand worker is becoming increasingly common
Ann Arnold

The Muscovian Candidate?

Donald Trump and Russia
Robert Manne
The Monthly Essays

The art of biography

The author stays out of the picture, and other personal rules of writing
David Marr
Arts & Letters / Film

Married to the tribe

Vanuatu’s Yakel people make their screen debut in Bentley Dean and Martin Butler’s ‘Tanna’
Luke Davies
The Monthly Essays

Green fields and blue sky

Is Nick Cleary’s ambitious CLARA project the answer to Australia’s fast-rail question?
Paddy Manning

Most Popular

  1. The Monthly Today
    Warped vision
    Looking to conservatives to lead the opposition to Trump is foolish
    Dominic Kelly
    Warped vision. Source
  2. The Monthly Today
    Boundless pains
    They may shock, but some of Trump’s policies have a familiar ring to them
    Amy McQuire
  3. The Monthly Essays
    The new black
    The overworked, underpaid, cash-in-hand worker is becoming increasingly common
    Ann Arnold
    The new black. Image of a restaurant
  4. The Muscovian Candidate?
    Donald Trump and Russia
    Robert Manne
    The Muscovian Candidate?. Source
  5. Vox
    The science question and feminism
    STEM is the future, and women need to be part of it
    Margaret Wertheim


The character business. Image of Julie Bishop
The Monthly Essays
The character business
What does the deluge of political biography and memoir say about politicians and readers?
Mark McKenna
A big dump. Illustration
A big dump
Why is the South Australian government so enthused about a nuclear waste dump?
Richard Denniss
Relying on Trump. Illustration
Relying on Trump
Australia needs to rethink its approach to regional security
Hugh White
The national broadside
The Australian’s campaign against Gillian Triggs is another in a long line of crude culture-war offensives
Robert Manne


Sex and pharmaceuticals. Illustration
The Medicine
Sex and pharmaceuticals
It was championed by women’s groups, but Addyi is not the “female Viagra”
Karen Hitchcock
This storied land. Image of the Pilbara, Western Australia
Arts & Letters / Books
This storied land
Mark McKenna’s ‘From the Edge’ tells four fascinating stories of Aboriginal and settler interaction through the history of place
Frank Bongiorno
Climax isn’t the point. Image of Helen Tufts and Helena Born
Arts & Letters / Books
Climax isn’t the point
Emily Witt’s ‘Future Sex’ and Sheila Rowbotham’s ‘Rebel Crossings’ approach the concept of free love from different perspectives
Anwen Crawford
Arrested development. Image of James Packer
The Monthly Essays
Arrested development
James Packer has been down, but he’s not out
Richard Cooke


‘Transit’ by Rachel Cusk. Cover of Transit

‘Transit’ by Rachel Cusk

Jonathan Cape; $32.99
Kevin Rabalais
A German comedy?. Still from Toni Erdmann
Arts & Letters / Film

A German comedy?

Maren Ade’s ‘Toni Erdmann’ is the one of the most misread movies of the year
Shane Danielsen
‘The Undoing Project’ by Michael Lewis. Cover of The Undoing Project

‘The Undoing Project’ by Michael Lewis

Allen Lane; $45
Michael Lucy
Arts & Letters / Art

A new world for the making

‘O’Keefe, Preston, Cossington Smith: Making Modernism’ brings together three giants of modernism
Julie Ewington
The Nation Reviewed

A moveable feast

What does it take to transform the National Gallery of Australia into the Palace of Versailles?
Quentin Sprague
Arts & Letters / Television

Through the dark glass

Netflix’s ‘Black Mirror’ is ‘The Twilight Zone’ for our tech-obsessed times
Luke Davies
Arts & Letters / Books

The narrator

In Zadie Smith’s new novel ‘Swing Time’, identity is always under construction
Helen Elliott

‘Nude: Art from the Tate Collection’

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, until 5 February
Julie Ewington

‘A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women’ by Siri Hustvedt

Sceptre; $32.99
Kevin Rabalais


Back from the dead. Illustration
The Nation Reviewed
Back from the dead
One dedicated bird watcher devoted years to the elusive night parrot
Anthony Ham
Malcolm Turnbull: A brief lament. Illustration
Malcolm Turnbull: A brief lament
The climate-science champion of 2010 has morphed into the fossil-fuel supporter of 2016
Robert Manne
Feeding  the  beast. Image of the Condamine River on fire
The Monthly Essays
Feeding  the  beast
Billion-dollar burnouts keep emissions rising
Richard Denniss
An island ark. Illustration
The Nation Reviewed
An island ark
A cat-detection team is doing important work on Dirk Hartog Island
Nicole Gill


A game theory. James Lovatt
The Monthly Essays
A game theory
Lovatts Crosswords gave its profits to employees. What went wrong?
Richard Cooke
Bust  in  the  Pilbara. Image of mining workers flying from Perth
The Monthly Essays
Bust  in  the  Pilbara
A region returns to earth
Hamish McDonald
Crunch time. Image
The Monthly Essays
Crunch time
Australia’s car industry has met policy failure head-on
Richard Denniss
The revolting backbench. Illustration
The revolting backbench
Malcolm Turnbull’s greatest obstacle to tax reform is close to home
Richard Denniss