
Sad Affleck Batman v Superman video makes us feel sorry for Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck is the unwitting star of a video joke that has gone viral, but he may yet end up having the last laugh.

It's the 30 seconds or so in which Ben Affleck says nothing with his mouth while speaking volumes with his eyes that has gone viral, but it may yet be his co-star Henry Cavill who has the last word.

In the video "Batman v Superman – Sad Affleck", Cavill's response to a question about the negative critical reaction to Zack Snyder's film is faded out, as Simon and Garfunkel's The Sounds of Silence plays over the top and the camera pans across to focus fully on Affleck's gloomy reaction.

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Fearing Superman is too powerful left unchecked Batman takes him on, meanwhile a new threat called Doomsday is created by Lex Luthor.

The video – which has had more than 15 million views on sabconth's YouTube channel, and spawned countless imitations, since being posted on March 24 – manages to both tap into the widespread dislike of Affleck and to subvert it, achieving the near-impossible in making us (well, some of us at least) feel just a little sorry for a man we've found it all too easy to hate almost since the day he burst onto the scene as the Oscar-winning co-writer of Good Will Hunting in 1998.

The critical reviews for Batman v Superman, the film with which Warners hopes to set up its Justice League franchise as a direct rival to Disney/Marvel's Avengers series, have been mixed, though not quite as negative as some reports would have us believe.

While the average score across all critics on rottentomatoes is 29 per cent, the score across the site's "top critics" is a slightly higher 38 per cent.


At the more selective metacritic, whose reviewers come from the ranks of more established publications and sites, the film has an average score of 44 per cent, with relatively favourable reviews coming from the likes of Variety, Rolling Stone and the Los Angeles Times, among others.

That mixed reaction hasn't stopped the film racing to a massive worldwide opening weekend, taking more than $US420 million ($560 million) and setting a record for the biggest opening ever for a Warners movie in the US.

All of which suggests that while the Sad Affleck meme is enormous fun, it has obscured from us the deep wisdom of Henry Cavill.

In the original video, posted by yahoomovies UK, the English actor responds to a question from reporter Tom Butler about the reviews for the film, which he describes as "mixed".

"I haven't read any reviews," Affleck mutters, before Cavill takes up the cudgels and Affleck's eyes drift sadly to the floor.

"The interesting thing is that we get the critics who have their personal opinions," Cavill says. "And the thing about personal opinions is that they always come from a place. And there's a preconceived idea which you have to get past a critic before you start writing your article or your review, and that affects everything."

He doesn't say it, but it's fair to assume he is referring to the negativity that surrounded the casting of Affleck as Batman, an outgrowth of the general negativity that has surrounded him for almost two decades now.

Affleck's separation and impending divorce from Jennifer Garner last year after almost a decade of marriage, and his subsequent (if indeed it was subsequent) affair with the nanny to the pair's three children has done nothing to endear him to casual observers. Indeed, it was confirmation for many that they had been right not to forgive him for the outrageous look-at-me-ism of the so-called "Bennifer" years of his relationship with Jennifer Lopez, characterised by wall-to-wall magazine covers and floor-to-ceiling filmic flops (with the couple's Gigli the most egregiously appalling of them all).

Affleck and Jennifer Garner in happier, pre-nanny days.

Nor have images of Affleck's massive phoenix back tattoo won him too many new admirers. "A phoenix rising from the ashes," Garner asked incredulously of the body art, speaking for all of us. "Am I the ashes in this scenario?"

As Affleck gazes into space in the interview, he has the look of a man who has begun to realise the depth of the loathing towards him, who feels he has made an almighty mess of his life, who wonders where it all went wrong.

And for those 30 seconds or so, something unexpected happens. We begin to feel the faint, and not entirely welcome, stirrings of empathy for Ben Affleck.

So, is all of that what Henry Cavill was referring to when he spoke about critics having "personal opinions" and "preconceived ideas" that might get in the way of an objective assessment? Probably.

And he's probably right, too, because for all the animus that has been directed at Affleck over the years, he remains a consistent box office performer. The 44 movies he has acted in have averaged a very respectable $US94 million globally. The 27 in which he has had a leading role have done even better, averaging just under $US131 million each.

And let's not forget he has a second Oscar, too, collecting best picture for Argo in 2013. It's worth noting, though, that he also has the dubious honour of being one of only four people whose film has won best picture at the Oscars while they were not even nominated as best director. Ouch.

But back to Cavill. "What is really going to matter, I believe, is what the audience says, because they're the ones who are buying tickets, they're the ones who want to see more of this kind of story or not, and so the audience's voice is loudest. And after this weekend the audience, at least partly, will have spoken."

At the end of that spiel, Butler asks Affleck for his input. "I agree," he says flatly.

And thus he inadvertently served up the two words that have become the punchline to one of the funniest, and most unexpectedly moving, videos on the web in years.

But if Cavill is right and the fanboys continue to defy the critics by flocking to see the film, Ben Affleck may yet end up having the last laugh.

Lord knows, he looks like he needs it.

Karl Quinn is on Facebook and on twitter @karlkwin