
Malaysian court's decision sets back Indigenous land rights

Indigenous rights and the preservation of Malaysian rainforests have suffered a major setback as a result of two developments over the holiday break.

In a majority ruling the Federal Court of Malaysia has rejected the approach previously taken by lower courts in Malaysia and by the Australian High Court in its Mabo case, ruling that indigenous people have no title claim over foraging lands.

And the death earlier this month of the Chief Minister of the Malaysian State of Sarawak, Adenan Satem, is another blow to Indigenous rights.

Adenan Satem succeeded long-serving chief minister Abdul Taib Mahmud in 2014 and went on to take his Barisan Nasional party to a resounding state election victory in 2016.

In his short time in office Adenan showed some willingness to listen to Indigenous voices, reversing his predecessor's commitment to build a series of major dams on the Baram River.

Tribal people living in the Baram watershed fiercely opposed the dams.


It remains to be seen whether Adenan's policy will stand under the administration of the new chief minister Datuk Abang Johari Openg.

Datuk Abang Johari Openg's political survival and his Barisan Nasional party's support could also be affected by an Iban backlash to the Federal Court decision.

Malaysian courts had appeared to be moving to recognise native title, as have Australian, Canadian courts and other jurisdictions around the world.

But in a three to one majority decision the Malaysia Federal Appeals Court ruled last month that native land rights only covered settled land where natives had felled forest and cultivated land.

Native rights did not extend to land in the primary forest where natives foraged for food.

In a dissenting judgement Justice Zainun Ali referred to the Australian High Court's Mabo decision and the Canadian decision in Calder v A-G of British Columbia and said there was a common law native title right.

She supported previous Malaysian lower court rulings that had recognised natives' rights to live on their land as their forefathers had lived and which had concluded that these rights had not been lawfully extinguished.

Three appeals were before the Federal Court. The Sarawak government and timber companies appealed against lower court decisions that had found in favour of Iban tribal people who claimed that the timber companies were trespassing and logging their land.

The Federal Court's decision to throw out the lower courts' findings has major political ramifications for the state.

The Iban are the largest ethnic group in Sarawak, accounting for about 30 per cent of the population. Chinese and Malays each have about 24 per cent of the population with most of the remainder coming from a large number of different tribal groups.

Having previously thought that they had rights, not only to their settlements but also to foraging land in the surrounding forests, the Iban were a relatively compliant group that generally went along with government policy.

It remains to be seen whether this will continue.

The up-river tribal people generically known as Orang Ulu were less compliant, mounting many campaigns against the logging invasion of their lands.

The jungle nomads, the Penan, in particular have fought against logging, petitioning the government and mounting blockades.

The Penan are true jungle people, with pioneers noting until as late as the mid-twentieth century that they were the only people to be found in the remote head-water regions of Sarawak.

Despite numerous accounts from explorers, missionaries, anthropologists and British administrators recording Penan continuous habitation of the forests, no Penan community has won Sarawak government recognition of land rights.

As it now stands, to win land title native people must prove that before 1958 they or their ancestors felled the virgin jungle and they have since occupied the land, cultivating it and planting fruit trees and/or using it as a burial ground or shrine.

But even Penan who settled on land decades ago have failed to gain recognition, with the Sabah and Sarawak High Court ruling in May last year that a community in the Rejang River head-waters had not proved they occupied the land before 1958.

The latest Malaysian Federal Court's ruling is a further blow to the Penan, as traditionally they had no permanent settlements and therefore cannot win title to land on that basis.

In Australia, descendants of nomads have native title to land. As at 31 December 2014 native title determinations covered 27 per cent of Australia, with many applying to people with a nomadic past.

The courts recognise that nomads do not wander aimlessly across the land. In Australia, Sarawak and elsewhere, nomads roam territory they are familiar with.

The Penan traditionally built jungle shelters and moved in a sustainable cycle from one known sago grove to another, over a period of perhaps 20 years.

Regrettably, from a land claim point of view, this lifestyle does not leave permanent markers.

The Court's ruling has the potential to provoke an Iban reaction in Sarawak and there is some regional feeling that people from Peninsula Malaysia simply do not understand the people of Borneo.

If this feeling was to turn into votes it could have major implications, even for the Malaysian federal government.

Barisan Nasional currently holds government in both Sarawak and Malaysia.

Sarawak accounts for 31 of the 222 seats in the Malaysian federal parliament and currently 25 of these are held by Barisan Nasional. An Iban backlash could swing a considerable number of seats.