Communist Party of Great Britain
Towards a Communist Party of the EU  |


Rowhani inauguration and Iran's prospects

03 August 2013

Summer Offensive: support now!

02 August 2013

As we approach Communist University 2013 it is more important than ever to raise the funds we need

CU 2013: Timetable

25 July 2013

The full timetable of speakers and sessions for Communist Univeristy 2013 has more or less been finalised

eBay auction for Hands Off the People of Iran

11 July 2013

Who knew solidarity could be so fashionable? Support the work of HOPI and get some new togs & tunes at the same time!

SWP crisis: CC lashes out

10 July 2013

After being forced to re-admit four comrades into the organisation, the Central Committee now seem intent on tearing up what remains of the SWP

SWP: more suspensions - leading members boycott ‘Marxism’ festival

09 July 2013

The second wave of the SWP crisis breaks...

Fringe meetings at Marxism 2013

08 July 2013

The CPGB and Hands Off the People of Iran are hosting discussions on democratic centralism and the reality of political Islam

CU 2013- more confirmed speakers

19 June 2013

Left unity advocate Nick Wrack and (ex) SWP oppositionist Paris Thompson will be among the speakers at this year's Communist University

Iran: new opportunities, new dangers

17 June 2013

Yassamine Mather, chair of HOPI, is interviewed on the aftermath of the recent Iranian elections

SWP: Party Council

05 June 2013