'I love a mission and a challenge': Rick Price says he'd be open to recording another hit to 'reunite' Australia at David Campbell's suggestion after his classic Bicentenary anthem

He's known for hits including Heaven Knows and River of Love and once sang the theme song for the Australian Bicentenary.

And on Tuesday, Australian singer Rick Price revealed he'd be open to recording a song to 'reunite' Australia, at David Campbell's suggestion.

Rick, 55, appeared on Today Extra when he said: 'I love a mission and I love a challenge.'

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'I love a challenge': On Tuesday, Australian singer Rick Price (seen) revealed he'd be open to recording a song to 'reunite' Australia, at David Campbell's suggestion and after his Bicentenary hit

'I'm going to say something really controversial here, but you need to write us a song for the nation to reunite us again,' co-host David said, after the Bicentenary song called Celebration of the Nation, played. 

'We use to do that all the time. And everyone comes in and everyone sings and it's a big hooky song like that. And we do it again and it's an ad campaign,' David said, suggesting a song that says Australia is 'bloody tops'.

'I'll take that challenge, David,' Rick said.   

He's keen: David Campbell said Rick should do a song about Australia being 'bloody tops'

Taking it back: He's known for hits including Heaven Knows and River of Love and once sang the theme song for the Australian Bicentenary (seen is the song being sung)

'Mate, I love a mission and I love a challenge,' Rick added.  

David further explained why he was so keen for the idea, saying there were no other songs that 'unite us anymore.' 

Rick sang the song in 1988 with singer Keren Minshull.

He said on Tuesday's TV appearance, that he thinks the song was originally intended for Olivia Newton-John and John Farnham. 

The personality added that at the time, he just recorded the demo for the song and worked in a studio, so it was 'just part of the job,' before he rose to international stardom and made it as a musician.  

On the road: Rick sang the song in 1988 with singer Keren Minshull

Familiar face: Rich is seen here on his 1992 record Walk Away Renee

Rick - who has a home base in Nashville, Tennessee -  is going on his Work That Fire tour, and will play in Sydney on Thursday. 

He will also be travelling around Australia.

The star first got his taste in music travelling with his family's band at the age of nine, and has since gone on to release eight studio albums.

He is also an APRA Award winner, and last year told Rock N Roll Damnation that he would love to work with singer Norah Jones. 

'She is phenomenal and I just love pretty much everything she does. She would be my dream duet.'

Success: The star first got his taste in music travelling with his family's band at the age of nine, and has since gone on to release eight studio albums



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