NBN and 5G key to Vodafone Hutchison Australia's future growth

Vodafone Hutchison Australia CEO Inaki Berroeta delivered the Charles Todd Oration on Wednesday.
Vodafone Hutchison Australia CEO Inaki Berroeta delivered the Charles Todd Oration on Wednesday. Anna Kucera

The national broadband network and fast-approaching 5G technology will be key pillars for Vodafone Hutchison Australia's next stage of growth in areas such as agriculture and medicine, chief executive Inaki Berroeta says.

Mr Berroeta, on Wednesday, confirmed that the telecommunications business, which is a joint-venture between British-based Vodafone Group and Hong Kong-based Hutchison Telecommunications, would enter the fixed-lined market with NBN services in 2017, as revealed by The Australian Financial Review.

"The NBN will allow us to complement our mobile network by seamlessly connecting our customers at home, work and in between. Just as we have done for mobile, we see a real opportunity to make a difference in the fixed broadband market by delivering great service and value for customers," Mr Berroeta said in comments prepared for delivery at the 2016 Charles Todd Oration.

"If you look at how we've been able to shift the mobile market for the benefit of customers, including unlimited calls and texts, flat $10 per gigabyte data coverage and accessible international roaming through our $5 Roaming, we plan to bring the same transparent, fair approach to fixed broadband."

NBN is forecasting to have 5.4 million premises ready for services, with 2.3 million of those being active users, by the end of 2016-17.

"We bring a fresh approach to this market, without a legacy interest in protecting high historic fixed margins. We expect that through a fixed broadband service, Vodafone will become an even stronger competitive force in the Australian telecommunications market," Mr Berroeta said.

'Always-on' approach

Vodafone is forging ahead with its plans for 5G – the telco ran its first public 5G test last week.

Mr Berroeta said fixed-line and 5G aren't necessarily competing services, but rather part of a "always on" approach.

"Increasingly, customers are using smartphones interchangeably across all internet platforms. They expect connectivity whenever they want it, wherever they are – so they can stream music and video, send messages, make purchases, or grow their business," he said.

"We know that we can already connect multiple devices to the network and to each other, but 5G is critical to enable billions of connections. 5G will unlock enormous potential for business – particularly the agricultural and industrial sectors."

Mr Berroeta identified agriculture and health as key areas that will benefit from the advancement in technology.

"In many rural and remote areas, the distances are too large and population density too low to sustain a pharmacy or a GP, let alone specialists and surgeons. For example, remote surgery – which would require 3D video-streaming – would only be possible with the advances which 5G technology will bring," he said.

"And in the social space, Pokemon Go has recently given us the first glimpse of augmented and virtual reality. 5G will take us to completely digital worlds where we can interact with virtual creations in real time. It will enable the tactile internet – allowing us to not only see the digital environment but to feel it."