Theosis Is A Form Of Realism

by Brett Stevens (January 31st, 2017)
Theosis Is A Form Of Realism

As part of the Platonist vision of conservatism, articles on this site frequently speak of the vision unleashed by the intersection of Platonic forms and Germanic Idealism, namely that recognition that the underlying substance of the universe is thought or thought-like. This is why idea, structure, pattern and logic that corresponds to the outside world […]

School’s Out Because of Diversity

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (January 31st, 2017)
School’s Out Because of Diversity

So Barack Obama’s Department of Indoctrination (Oops Edumacayshun) spent $7 billion on troubled schools and the burning money released soot particles into the Troposphere. But let’s not be pointlessly partisan here. George W. Bush’s Leave No Child Behind Act ignited a similar currency bonfire for an analogous disgusting dung heap of fail. So the Democrats […]

Nationalism Rises As The “Proposition Nation” Fades Away

by Brett Stevens (January 30th, 2017)
Nationalism Rises As The “Proposition Nation” Fades Away

A recent article notes that we are in the midst of a sea change not between types of politics, but between politics and realism: It’s time we recognize that the party of Reagan was already dead — and that it died along with the threat of Soviet communism. Reaganism was…a worldview, in the truest sense […]

Outliers (#42)

by Brett Stevens (January 29th, 2017)
Outliers (#42)

The first week of Trumprise passed and we all survived; he finally tackled immigration. If we get really lucky, he will take out the nasty tangle of laws based around civil rights that assume a white majority must always subsidize everyone else, including the worst of the lot, “affirmative action.” launched, and we also […]

Never Trust Silicon Valley And The FANG Companies

by Brett Stevens (January 28th, 2017)
Never Trust Silicon Valley And The FANG Companies

Apple sent this message to a developer. It essentially states Silicon Valley policy: if enough people complain about something, the user who posted it must be destroyed. This is typical Leftist crowd-oriented thinking. It enables any group that can muster a handful of complainers to destroy someone else, no matter how much time and effort […]

How To Replace Obamacare: Remove The Healthcare System Entirely

by Brett Stevens (January 28th, 2017)
How To Replace Obamacare: Remove The Healthcare System Entirely

Normie broadsheet Time discovers that the free market provides better medical care than the bureaucrat-laden, paperwork-strangled and insurance-regulated healthcare system we have now as a product of seventy years of reforming a previously excellent industry: In arriving at their price list, Smith and Lantier did an end run around the whole system. They asked their […]

Alt-Lite Versus Alt Right

by Brett Stevens (January 28th, 2017)
Alt-Lite Versus Alt Right

The Alt Right rose as an alternative to a Leftist-hybrid mainstream conservatism and a pathological underground conservatism absorbed by directionless neo-Nazis both. As a result, it knows more of what it dislikes than what it likes, and has struggled to define itself despite a an incipient sense of general direction. This has caused tension with […]

Dissident Right Reviews Nihilism: A Philosophy Based In Nothingness And Eternity

by Brett Stevens (January 28th, 2017)
<em>Dissident Right</em> Reviews <em>Nihilism: A Philosophy Based In Nothingness And Eternity</em>

Over at Dissident Right, August J. Rush has reviewed Nihilism: A Philosophy Based In Nothingness And Eternity by tackling assumptions about the meaning of “nihilism.” Ultimately, Stevens rejects the Idealism of previous philosophers and instead notes that inherent truth (or meaning) does not exist; all that does is a world external to ourselves which experiences […]

Division Of Power Produces Instability

by Brett Stevens (January 28th, 2017)
Division Of Power Produces Instability

The Los Angeles Review Of Books has, in a roundabout way, discovered Neoreaction: The supermanager is neoliberalism’s governance mechanism, a way to negotiate and smooth over differences between sectors of power in society, just as the supermanager avant la lettre did so in Nazi Germany. …The most plausible explanation is that supermanagers are paid for […]

Neoreaction In Action: Ireland Goes Patchwork

by Brett Stevens (January 28th, 2017)
Neoreaction In Action: Ireland Goes Patchwork

Under Neoreactionary theory, small states will form that compete on the basis of cost and services offered to citizens, essentially formalizing the knowledge that governments are self-interested corporations and not benevolent charities. While this fails to address the national question and the actual motivation for most human decisions, it does explain the Irish state tax […]