Jane CaroTài khoản được xác nhận


AM. Walkley award winner. Novelist (Just a Girl, Just a Queen, Just Flesh & Blood), author (Plain Speaking Jane, Stupid Country, F Word, Accidental Feminists)

Sydney, Australia
Đã tham gia tháng 11 năm 2009


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    Heys tweeps, I have a book coming out in Feb. It's called 'Accidental Feminists' and it is about the generation of women who have changed the world (hint: women over 55). You can pre-order a signed copy now here

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    Hi again, lockdown. Send wine - a case for each of the four weeks we are home again.

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    1 giờ trước

    We back in lockdown yo!

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    Even my ever-complaining mother said the test was no big deal. Get tested Australia

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    1 giờ trước
    Đang trả lời Đang trả lời

    Pretty annoyed by my local member ‘s June blurb ...Tradies kept the economy going ? Really ? What about manufacturing and lots of small businesses ....this bloke thing is giving me the shits.

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    WHO says money doesn't matter? Ridiculous. Of course it matters. We wouldn't need private schools if we had properly funded public education. And I'm a private school mama.

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    2 giờ trước

    these men are driving the elite private school funding ...

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  8. đã Tweet lại
    2 giờ trước

    unfair driven by white over entitled men - boys club all their kids go to private schools with the jurno’s kids - what hope you we have ☹️☹️

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    Forgive Andrew, for he knows what not what.

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    A lone ex-TV chef on a mission to uncover a global conspiracy, kept secret by thousands of scientists, clinicians, journalists, politicians, telecom companies using nothing more than social media... Or a narcissist using fear & bullshit to make a fortune milking his loyal fans?

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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    7 giờ trước

    Last night I asked Fiona Kotvojs to make sure that voters in Eden Monaro know she opposes same sex marriage and denies that climate change. My comment has been removed, as have other comments asked her to come clean about her right wing, conservative views. Voters need TRUTH.

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  13. đã Tweet lại
    11 giờ trước

    THE ‘MONEY DOESN’T MATTER’ MYTH IN (PUBLIC) EDUCATION An inconvenient truth for the commentariat. When they say that money doesn't matter, remember, the greatest increases in funding have gone to private schools.

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    We are a caring nation and we know that there are more people unemployed than there are jobs and those people need support not demonising

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    My twin boys were tested... Part of asymptomatic schools testing They received negative swab reports by SMS in just over 24 hours... Their assessment was that it wasn’t pleasant, it wasn’t painful... They both cheered when their results came through...

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  17. Australia’s school funding is utterly reprehensible and ROUND THE WRONG WAY!

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    BEFORE the pandemic there was 17 people looking for work for every job. This is pure propaganda designed to try and help the government get away with plunging MILLIONS of people into poverty.

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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    When you come for my franking credits:

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