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'Fierce' Julia Gillard cheered alongside Michelle Obama: the power of a post-PM career

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Julia Gillard's advice to Tony Abbott

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard talks about her school years alongside US First Lady Michelle Obama during a discussion about the future of girls' education in New York and offers some tips to another former PM.

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New York: Julia Gillard was called many things during her time as the first female prime minister of Australia - 'Juliar', a 'witch', and worse, - but in the United States on Tuesday, she was described using a title usually reserved for the likes of Beyonce: 'fierce'.

Ms Gillard appeared alongside First Lady Michelle Obama and actress Charlize Theron at an event called The Power of an Educated Girl to promote their common passion for girls' education in New York City.

Totally unafraid, just to give you one example, to take down a male opposition leader in front of Parliament and the world for his sexism and misogyny 

At a time when newly-ousted former prime minister Tony Abbott is receiving criticism for his disgruntled-seeming dismount from the top job, Ms Gillard seems to be flourishing in a post-political career as a champion of girls education and feminist hero, if Tuesday's appearance was anything to go by.

Julia Gillard with Charlize Theron and Michelle Obama at the Glamour magazine-hosted panel discussion on girls education.

Julia Gillard with Charlize Theron and Michelle Obama at the Glamour magazine-hosted panel discussion on girls education. Photo: Julia Gillard's Twitter account.

While the now-famous misogyny speech she directed at Mr Abbott once received a tepid and even belligerent reception at home, it is still being talked about and praised overseas.

Ms Gillard (which was pronounced 'Gulard' by all the Americans at the event) was introduced by host and editor-in-chief of Glamour magazine Cindi Leive as the "first and only woman" to have served as Australian prime minister, for whom education was a true "true passion" and had been a focus of her time in office.

"And she is, by the way, fierce," said Leive, to the diverse audience of school girls and young women at Harlem's Apollo Theatre.

Theron, right, laughs as Ms Gillard speaks during the panel discussion at the Apollo Theater.

Theron, right, laughs as Ms Gillard speaks during the panel discussion at the Apollo Theater. Photo: AP

"Totally unafraid, just to give you one example, to take down a male opposition leader in front of Parliament and the world for his sexism and misogyny. It's a great speech, Google it."

Ms Gillard was at the Glamour-hosted event - which had a hashtag trending nationwide by lunchtime - in her role as chair of the Global Partnership for Education, an organisation which aims to expand access to education worldwide. The event had the air of a girl-power revival, with the crowd singing along to warm-up Beyonce tracks Flawless and Run the World before it kicked off.

Often criticised for a wooden manner during her time in Parliament, Ms Gillard appeared relaxed, warm and confident sharing the stage with Mrs Obama and Theron, cracking jokes and speaking passionately about poverty and education. Even her much-scrutinised outward appearance seemed liberated post-politics, dressed in a vibrant, fuchsia silk pantsuit.

There were several moments - such as when she was asked where how she dealt with obstacles in her own life and in politics - where she could have unloaded on former adversaries, but she didn't, though she did dispense some advice for dealing with critics.

Asked what advice she would give to her high school-aged self she said: "I'd certainly say to myself don't get the spiral perm."

"But I'd also say really nurture a sense of self, of who you are. We live in a world of instantaneous feedback, and often its instantaneous criticism. You don't have to be in a publicly exposed profession like politics to feel the sting of that… any girl could look at social media and see something very unkind said about them."

"So it's very important to work on who you know you are, rather than be buffeted around by these quick and harsh critiques."

Her message was in step with her fellow panellists, which also included teen advocate for Plan International Nurfahada, who all encouraged girls in the audience to be confident, to take their education seriously and to do what they could to promote the cause of educating girls around the world, and eradicating poverty.

Mrs Obama, who was given a genuine rock star welcome by the crowd, launched a campaign called '62 Million Girls' over the weekend, drawing attention to the number of girls around the world who cannot attend school.

"For me this is personal," she said. "When I think about those 62 million girls who aren't in school, I think about myself, I think about my daughters… I think about where I would be in my life if I didn't work hard in school, and have the opportunity to go to college, to law school. I wouldn't be here."

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  • Great to see Julia wowing them in the Big Apple, proving there can be a life after politics.

    Let's hope Tony can do the same.

    Jason of Gold Coast
    Date and time
    September 30, 2015, 6:23AM
    • Be out of the country, you mean. The less we see and hear from him the better.

      mitch of ACT
      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 6:48AM
    • @Jason of Gold Coast:
      Maybe just maybe Tony Abbott can emulate Julia Gillard in his post political career. However, I think wearing a pink pantsuit might just be a bridge to far for the warrior prince.

      Gosford NSW
      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 7:05AM
    • She can stay there and win applause from all left wing personalities whose opinion carry weight with the superficial celebrity obsessed Americans who found her misogyny speech inspiring. Perhaps she can top it all off with a guest appearance on Ellen where she can rat on the other former PM's Kevin and Tony. She knows that crap wouldn't fly with the majority in this country and the worst ALP election performance in many many decades validates this.

      Piped Piper
      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 7:08AM
    • @mitch of ACT - The culture wars are OVER. Tony Abbott and his crew of Jones, Bolt etc - they LOST.

      Time to celebrate the fact that another Australian woman is on the global stage is being celebrated at an A-list function.

      You go girl
      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 7:28AM
    • Piped, funny that she managed to get so much through the same kind of Senate that Abbot abjectly failed to do. Perhaps that speaks to each person's core values.

      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 7:50AM
    • @Piped - credit where credit is due - is not part of your ideology? Gillard walked away and left us without the rubbish that Abbott is serving up (and that Rudd served up).
      Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for Abbott and his inability to move through this "void", but having people still berate Gillard just for the sake of it ?
      It's about time people moved on to demanding what they are entitled to get from their new (serving) PM. Best of luck - on that front.

      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 7:56AM
    • @ piped piper - did you read the article? She is not interested in talking about Rudd, Abbott et al. She has found her real purpose post politics and she doesn't care about all the trivial BS that plagued her prime ministership. In the words of Queen Elsa, you need to let it go too.

      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 8:08AM
    • @ Mitch:

      Where's you humanity?

      @ John C:

      How about pink smugglers?

      @ Piper:

      Very chivalrous of you; no suprisement (sic) there.

      @ Southpark:

      Stop being so reactionary.

      I sometimes think the Right are more misanthropic than the Left.

      Jason of Gold Coast
      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 8:10AM
    • Do shut up Piped; she impresses many important people around the world. That many Australians accepted the lies and smear of the LNP and their supportive rubbish media is not something of which we should be proud.

      Gillard nailed it with her misogyny speech in Parliament; don't forget this was a speech in response to the misogyny catcallings of the LNP in Parliament - Gillard didn't start the 'misogyny war'; the war was a creation of the right.

      Date and time
      September 30, 2015, 8:12AM

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